Caitlin Boyle :: Looking Outwards 3

by Caitlin Boyle @ 9:05 am 12 January 2011

Digital: A Love Story is a text-based adventure that focuses on the early days of computing; it gives contemporary users a taste of the Amiga Workbench and early BBS boards, wrapped in a crunchy fiction shell.

The game brings over much of the joys and frustrations of 1980s computing; it allows for a taste of real anonymity, but also forces you to constantly switch connections, sometimes committing telephone fraud in the process.

I have played the game, and I think it almost goes too far into realism; I didn’t finish the game because I got frustrated with the amount of number-searching you have to do to get to the board you need to be on. The game needs to walk the line between frustrating and captivating; and a little too often, it teeters over the edge.

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