Caitlin Boyle :: Looking Outwards 1

by Caitlin Boyle @ 6:55 am 12 January 2011

Sketch Chair is a project by Greg Saul, who created a Processing application that allows users to design and rapid prototype their own furniture; in the case of the software, a chair.

While the project seems a little mundane on the outside, that’s what I really enjoy about it; it’s one more step towards bringing this sort of technology into wider use. There is nothing more everyday than a chair; the project is for those who would not necessarily usually turn to computing.

The project also makes the DIY scene that much easier to get into (which may be a good or a bad thing; on one hand, less mass production and more power to the people; on the other hand, the world already has a great deal of uncomfortable chairs; judging by the photo of Sketch Chairs, I would say this project will increase that number drastically.

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