
by honray @ 5:24 am 12 January 2011

Light Drive is an animation on a cell (and later a torus and other elliptical shapes) that attempts to create a dark, exciting, and “on-edge” mood. It comes with strong, moving, and dark music that syncs with the animations.
When I first saw Light Drive, I thought of light pulsating through a human cell. It looked very slick, and futuristic. I think the audio synchronization and choice was excellent, as it added to the feeling of the video and kept me on edge.
However, I don’t quite understand how the lighting of the cell transitioned into a pulsating torus that contracted and warped itself. The animations done with the torus felt more rough compared to the cell lighting animations.
The video itself certainly created a fast, dark, and exciting mood, but I wonder if it could be more effective if something different was animated instead.

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