Meg Richards – Looking Outwards – 3: The Reverse Geocache™ Puzzle

by Meg Richards @ 10:34 pm 11 January 2011

The Reverse Geocache™ Puzzle is a locked box that contains a GPS module and LCD screen powered by an Arduino designed to unlock only at a certain destination. By pressing the button on the box the LCD displays the distance to the secret destination. This project is delightful for many reasons: The mystery of the box’s surprise; creating a catalyst for a new and exciting adventure in the real world; and forcing contemplation of blindly following an electronic device.

It would be interesting to see a modified version that could iterate through a list of coordinates, making for an adventure with many stops. This could be used in a scavenger hunt around a museum or zoo. Instead of a passive tour, students would become active learners enticed by the unknown contents and driven to explore. Trivia questions at each stop could even have to be answered and inputted before proceeding.

Reverse GeoCache Puzzle 2

[ Reverse GeoCache Puzzle Covered by Hack a Day ]
[ The Reverse Geocache™ Puzzle Project Site ]

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