Magic Trees by Paolo Scoppola
This project by Paolo Scoppola used OpenFrameworks to allow users to interact with a projection intended to be displayed on trees and hedges rather than a traditional screen. While technically this aspect is not particularly challenging (projection mapping isn’t required specific to a particular tree, and no changes happen to the projected image if the tree moves due to wind etc), the way that it gives depth to the projected image is compelling.
However, I think the project is much more successful in the context of the “Magic Trees” party than it is in the demo video he has linked on his main website. The placement of the capture device at the entrance/exit of the main dance area, and the user looking up at the generated image in the tree seems to serve to loosen social inhibitions.

Projection on Trees by Clement Briend
Looking into previous instances of projecting onto trees and other outside locations, I find the work of Clement Briend to be much more compelling in its content. I think if there was the ability to combine the cultural and locative significance of Briend’s work with the interactivity of Scoppola’s (rather than relying on traditional kinect demo like experiences of simple body outlines) the result could be really wonderful.
OF add-on: ofxSyncedParams
This ofx add-on synchronizes the parameters of open frameworks applications and GUIs separated across multiple programs or machines. It does this by parsing the ofParamaterGroup and ofxGui GUI classes to JSON that can be sent between programs, and keeps track of synchronizing changes bi-directionally. Because many of my interests lay in creating artwork based around groups interacting with centralized show systems and each other, having an add on that handles all of the data synchronization would allow me to focus on what the effects of these changes is.