ProPublica’s data page has been a frequent favorite of mine for hard-news related map visualizations. I think they’re doing a great job at displaying data they glean via investigative reporting techniques in ways that will help simplify the complexity of …
Category Archives: Looking-Outwards
Oliver Daids
18 Jan 2016
World Capitals Voronoi by Jason Davies
View interactive globe here:
The above map is a spherical Voronoi diagram that partitions Earth based on proximity to a nation’s capital. Every point is colored based on what capital it is …
Bo Kim
18 Jan 2016
I was interested in maps that visualize sensible, conceptual data. I want to introduce maps that visualize scents in cityscapes.
This map is called Smelly maps of London and Barcelona, created by Schifanella Rossano. He attempted to overturn …

Irene Alvarado :: Looking Outwards 2
You are Here Maps
You are Here is a project from the Social Computing Group at the MIT Media Lab. They’ve developed a visually elegant template with which they publish a map a day, each of a different city and …
Katherine Habeck
18 Jan 2016

Luca Damasco
18 Jan 2016
I found a map-based project called LiquiData that piqued my interest. The project uses a smartphone app and a multitouch tabletop display to visualize a user’s location data on the table and enables them to interact with it.
Location …
17 Jan 2016
censusAmericans by Jia Zhang
I work in tires. my daily commute is 125mins longI got married in 1975. I have a high school diploma. I get to work around 7:35am.
— censusAmericans (@censusAmericans) January 17, 2016
censusAmericans is a twitter …
Zachary Rispoli
17 Jan 2016
It turns out that the asteroids in our solar system are worth a lot of money – they’re full of rare materials that we’re going to run out of on Earth someday.
This website has a map/visualization of asteroids that …
So the Bricks to Blocks map was one of the best maps i’ve seen. It took a simple object – a lego- and used its quantity and color to visually represent the height of New York City Blocks. It’s …