Mark Shuster – C.QNCR

by mshuster @ 6:41 pm 3 May 2011

C.QNCR is a YouTube sequencer that allows participants to creatively edit videos into unique songs, speeches and montages.

Designed as a tool to fuel pop media mashups, C.QNCR takes popular concepts like YouTube Doubler and TurnTubeList, a YouTube DJ suite, and applies the model of A/V sequencing to add linear, programmed playback.

Hardware solutions such as the MPC60 and other multi-track sequencers have changed the way that modern music is created by allowing for the pre-programmed playback of individual clips and loops. More recent innovations in digital audio have brought many software tools such as Logic, Ableton Live, ProTools, Reason, and others that offer an even greater level of control of clip sequencing. The C.QNCR attempts to bring this paradigm to a purely web-based space where users have a near infinite repository of popular content to cut and sequence. C.QNCR is a tool that gives easy access to the emergent mashup culture with a level of fine-grained control beyond other applications currently accessible.

The architecture uses on HTML/5 and jQueryUI and the YouTube SearchAPI, JavaScript API, and and the new embedded HTML5 player. Using these technologies, users can remotely query and queue videos, drag and drop from search results, to the video monitor, and then to the timeline. The jQuery UI toolset allows for the efficient implementation of controls and sliders to set clip length and track volume and to easily handle drag and drop events.

The first version of C.QNCR only supports one linear track of 60 seconds in length, and works best when splicing from only a single source. However, future versions will support multitrack sequencing and playback from as many sources as can be placed into the timeline.

Please find the demo of C.QNCR at The source if readily available in pitifully uncommented form within the page markup.

Check out the video below for a concise walk-through of the core features of C.QNCR performed by myself while suffering from an allergic reaction and on two hours of sleep.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
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