
by Golan Levin @ 12:10 am 10 January 2011

Time: Mondays/Wednesdays 8:30am-11:30am
Location: CFA-303 (Seminar Room) and CFA-318 (Mac Cluster)
Course Numbers: 60110-A (Art), 51-482 (Design), 62-726 (CFA)

Instructor: Golan Levin (contact information)
Office Hours: T/Th mornings, 9-10am
Office Locations: CFA-405 (office) or CFA-111 (Studio for Creative Inquiry)


This is an advanced studio course in arts computing and new media practice. Topics surveyed in the course will be tailored to student interests, and may include: experimental interface design, information visualization, game design, real-time audiovisuals, locative and mobile media, computational form-generation for rapid prototyping, image processing and vision-based interactions, augmented reality, simulation, networked crowd-sourcing, dynamic typography, mechatronic and device art, physical computing, and other topics. Through a small number of exploratory assignments and a public capstone project, students will bolster interdisciplinary problem-solving abilities and explore computation as a medium for curiosity-driven experimentation.

Enrolling students are expected to have demonstrable programming skills, without exception, at or beyond the level of an introductory class such as 15-110. Although the course will provide technical overviews of major arts-programming toolkits (including Processing, Max/MSP/Jitter, openFrameworks, PureData, and Arduino), assignments may be executed in the student’s preferred programming environment. Graduate students should register for section 62-726 (12 units), which meets with the undergraduate sections 60-412 and 51-482 (10 units). Students lacking the programming skills for this course are encouraged to take 15-102, Exploring Programming Using Graphics (J. Roberts).

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