After reviewing the readings for this week, I found that I spent the most time scrolling through the Twitter feed of @ANAGRAMATRON. This bot finds and stores tweets until it locates an anagram of that tweet, whereupon it then publishes …
Category Archives: Looking-Outwards
Safinah Ali
21 Jan 2016
A Twitter bot I find super interesting is the @NYTMinusContext bot. The bot basically picks parts lines from The New York Times articles and tweets these incomplete lines. These tweets lack context because the contextual nouns are often removed …
Dan Sakamoto
21 Jan 2016
Some of my favorite Twitter bots are the ones that watch for anonymous wikipedia edits from specific IP addresses and announce them, such as @congressedits. I like them for their sheer utility; the first time I saw @congressedits was …
Akiva Krauthamer
21 Jan 2016
A Theory of Justice Wikipedia article edited by the NYPD
— NYPD edits (@NYPDedits) March 17, 2015
NYPD edits is a great example of a powerful twitter bot. The core idea is that the bot will tweet a link …
The twitter bot that excites me is@censusAmericans. This bot, by @jiazhang works on American census data submitted between 2009 and 2013, and creates mini-biographies out of them.
…I am separated. Last time I got married was
@yourevalued – The Compassion Bot
@BitchImTheMaan You matter.
— ❤ (@yourevalued) January 21, 2016
I don’t know whether it would help or hurt your self-esteem to hear “I like you” from a Twitter bot when you’re feeling depressed. But either …

I’m a fan of this Twitterbot @deepforger.
@karlavetyan This is a #DeepForgery using techniques of Jackson Pollock from ca. 1948–49.
— The Deep Forger (@DeepForger) December 1, 2015
The bot takes Twitter users’ input in the form …
Oliver Daids
20 Jan 2016
CensusAmericans by Jia Zhang
Explained here:
…"I get to work around 6:25pm. I work in cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum products. I carpool with another person. I got married in 2003. "
— censusAmericans (@censusAmericans) January 19, 2016
Bo Kim
20 Jan 2016
if you find no single person to love, you begin to love them all
— NYT Minus Context (@NYTMinusContext) January 10, 2016
the big problem of life: staying alive
— NYT Minus Context (@NYTMinusContext) January 7, 2016
Looking Outwards 03: Twitter Bots
Made by Ed Summer, @congressedits tweets out in real time anonymous edits made to Wikipedia pages from IP addresses within Congress.
The first thing I noticed that’s different about this bot is that it has a high ratio of followers …