Tag Archives: 01-introduction


14 Jan 2015

Hello, I’m Ron Kim, a master’s student at CMU’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute. After earning my electrical engineering undergraduate degree from The University of Texas, I lived in Austin for as long as I could before moving to attend CMU. I also have a background in music and voice acting. Although my previous jobs have been mostly low-level engineering work, I’ve recently become interested in data visualization and spaces that merge art and technology. In IACD, I’m really looking forward to developing my creative side with technology, building things that are interesting and expressive.


My Twitter handle is @ronaldhkim.


My GitHub account is ronkim.

Previous Project

Sketch of cyclist and touch-less smartphone interaction using the device’s magnetometer.

In a previous class, I developed an Android app to allow cyclists touch-less smartphone interaction using the magnetometer to trigger location services. A specific use-case for this application includes the ability to more effortlessly record pothole locations on city streets. Typically, tracking location calls for enabling GPS on a smartphone. However, leaving GPS location services on continuously in a smartphone app can drain the battery fairly quickly and unnecessarily records a continuous path when only discrete location points are needed. On the other hand, physically handling the phone to record a single location at random intervals can be cumbersome and dangerous, particularly since a moving cyclist’s attention should be on the road ahead.

Testing magnetometer’s reaction to the magnetic field change of a nearby magnet-embedded cycling glove. If the magnetic field strength is strong enough, GPS location sensors turn on momentarily to record location data before going back to sleep.

But by embedding a common refrigerator magnet inside of a cycling glove, a cyclist can leave the phone in a pocket or in a bag and wave his or her gloved hand in close proximity to the phone’s magnetometer to sound an audible confirmation and trigger the GPS location service just long enough to record a single location before putting the GPS location service to sleep. This not only extends battery life (power consumption of the embedded magnetometer is significantly less than that of current GPS chipsets) but enables a different interaction technique that doesn’t involve physically handling the phone. Using magnets in this context to trigger smartphone events is preferable to (1) other wireless solutions — such as Bluetooth — since this solution requires no additional electronics, or (2) voice control, where noisy outside conditions can make voice recognition difficult at times.

Viewing a list of locations saved by magnetometer-triggered GPS location service events

Testing this app while cycling captured locations accurately and easily, while preserving battery life compared to using an app with GPS location services continuously enabled. Future improvements include the ability to save multiple sets of points, and automatically uploading saved locations to a server for tracking purposes.

About Alex Sciuto (Masters of Design)

Hi there, I’m Alex Sciuto. “Sciuto” is pronounced just like Proscuitto if you are a fan of cured meats. Before coming back to CMU to do a masters program, I was a self-taught designer, data visualizer, and computer programmer, and I still feel a lot of impostor syndrome about that. I really like the challenge of taking raw data and turning it into story worth telling or an experience worth interacting with. I have a lot of experience doing browser-based development, and I’d love this semester to learn about other development environments.

I’m pretty active on Twitter. I follow a lot of visual journalists and dataviz people. @SciutoAlex. I occasionally use GitHub. github.com/sciutoalex.

Space Activity Tracking Project

closeYou can read the full write-up of the project on my website.

I was curious how people use the studio where my program is located in. As part of the class, Gadgets, Sensors, and Human Activity, I created a series of Arduino IR sensors that recorded when there was movement in different parts of the studio space, these sensors then communicated back to a base station that visualized the data.

The project was successful because I had never created anything with Arduino before, and running the system for a day, people were intrigued by the project. It got people talking. It was lacking in its robustness. The sensors’ batteries died quickly, and there was no permanent storage. The visualization was kind of tacked on at the end and wasn’t part of the official assignment.


Above is a shot of the sensors, I created three of them.


The system in action. Actually a photo-shopped image of the system in action. Very bad lighting that day.

Sylvia Kosowski

14 Jan 2015

Hi everyone!

I’m a junior in the BCSA (Computer Science and Art) program at Carnegie Mellon. The areas of study I’m interested in include video games, computer graphics, animation, illustration, graphic novels, and storytelling. This semester in IACD, I hope to learn a lot about the many different tools available for programmer-artists and build the interactive side of my portfolio. I’m particularly interested in exploring interactive narratives in my future work.

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/sylviakosowski (Warning, I haven’t been using Twitter a lot recently (I’m more of a Tumblr person), so on my Twitter there are mostly just a ton of tweets that look kind of nonsensical. They were for a project I did while I interned at Autodesk last summer, pay them no mind.)

Github account: https://github.com/sylviakosowski

Website: http://www.sylviakosowski.com/ (Warning, currently under construction!)

Lost (Fall 2014)

Lost is a procedurally generated endless 2D platformer programmed in Unity/C#, and animated with Photoshop. It is a solo project created for Experimental Game Design. The player can explore a randomly generated world in all four directions, occasionally encountering non-player characters (NPCs) who will provide quests which the player can attempt to complete. However, there is a catch: platforms, NPCs, and items are deleted once they leave the main camera view. The game is meant to challenge the “quest” system common in many games by providing the player with quests that cannot be completed. It is very hard to give an NPC the particular item they are asking for. Whether they are given the item they want or an item they don’t want, the NPCs will act rude and discouraging in their conversations to the player. Yet if the player stops moving and refuses to complete any quests, a scribbly cloud of depression will form above the player’s head and cover the screen until the player moves again. These game mechanics are all meant to convey a sense of depression and a feeling of being trapped in an unsolvable situation.

The player (right) interacting with a non-player character (left).

The player (right) interacting with a non-player character (left).

Carrying an item.

Carrying an item.

I think the most successful part of the project was the art and atmosphere. I felt I did a good job designing disturbing yet somehow still cute-looking NPCs. The scribbly style of the animation and the largely empty nature of the world visually captured the sense of being emotionally lost that I was going for.

However, as far as the gameplay went, I didn’t accomplish all that I wanted to. Given more time, I wanted to make it so that the items you give the NPCs would influence how they acted toward you in nuanced ways. I didn’t have time to create such a sophisticated story generation mechanism, so right now the characters react in very straightforward cookie-cutter ways (i.e., there is a set response for a character who wants a cat but receives a windmill, etc.) Therefore, with such generic, non-evolving responses the game can get old pretty fast. If I had been able to create a more interesting and nuanced dialogue system in which all the items that the player gives or does not give to a particular NPC continued to influence that NPC’s dialogue to the player throughout the entire run of the game, I think the gameplay experience would be a lot more compelling.

A cloud of depression forming above the player’s head.

A cloud of depression forming above the player’s head.

An ungrateful NPC receives an item from the player.

An ungrateful NPC receives an item from the player.

Builds for the game can be found on my website: http://www.sylviakosowski.com/lost/


13 Jan 2015

Hi everyone, I’m Chen Liang and I currently study in Music & Technology program as a master student. Some of my works related to laptop orchestra and vocal analysis. I’m kind of a vocal music learner and I’d been a member of choruses for many years.

I’d like to create works in IACD that people may think interesting.

Twitter: @jimoyouchong

Github: @chenlianMT

Laptop Orchestra Project: Tinnitus


When a soldier wakes up in the battlefield, what would be in his mind? Tinnitus is the name of my program describing the annoying sound in this soldier’s ear. The program maps controller’s real-time motion into audio synthesis parameters or audio samples playback parameters and then put generated audio into different channels. The standard interaction between the controller and ChucK is offered officially by the author of ChucK.

to be used

It’s really an interesting experience to directly control sound through a programming language like ChucK, and it was great to tell a story using audio. I know this work is pretty simple and short, and it would be better to add spatial effects using more speakers.

Zack Aman

13 Jan 2015

Hi all,

I’m Zack Aman, and I’m in the Master’s of Human-Computer Interaction program here at Carnegie Mellon. I did my undergrad at the University of Virginia where I double-majored in Computer Science and Religious Studies and minored in Studio Art. I’m interested in the tooling behind creativity, both trying to find new creative uses for existing tools and the development of new tools to aid creation. From a programming standpoint, I’m most interested in input and the avenues humans have to take their vision and make it so.

You can follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/@zackaman, and view my GitHub at https://github.com/zya6yu.

I’ve done art and I’ve done programming but I actually haven’t done too much in the way of art programming. You can view my artwork from undergrad at http://www.zacharyaman.com/, though I’m working on rebuilding that site to be a more UX-centric portfolio.

The most recent programming project I worked on was for an independent study with Professor Vincent Aleven and Yanjin Long (HCI PhD Candidate) working on teaching a growth mindset / mastery orientation to kids, which you can view here: https://medium.com/@zackaman/mastery-orientation-motivational-design-in-lynnette-9deaff48bfc6 and here on GitHub. I was responsible for designing, testing, and prototyping the project.

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 8.00.52 PM Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 8.01.00 PM Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 8.02.10 PMThis project was built using the MEAN.js stack, which consists of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js, though mostly I was just working on the front-end with Angular and doing a little bit on the back-end with Express.

From my post on Medium:

In the words of O’Keefe et al., “A mastery goal orientation refers to a focus on developing competence. With a performance goal orientation, the focus is ondemonstrating competence” (51). That is to say: challenge is healthy and effective learning comes from growth, not from what you already know.

What we want to design are structures that get students out of the continuous rhythm of doing math problems over and over again and instead get students to question, “Which problems should I be doing?” However, we don’t just want to heavily support students in making decisions; we want to affirmatively teach students how to make their own decisions and create transferable selection strategies that are applicable in different domains.