Generative art.
- Evolved Virtual Creatures (1994, Karl Sims)
- Substrate (2003, Jared Tarbell)
- Nokia Friends (2009, Toxi + Universal Everything)
- Furry & Furry’s Posse (2009, Matt Pyke)
- Communion (2011,
- Partitura (2011, Quayola + Abstract Birds)
- Forms (2012, Quayola + Memo Akten)
- Work & tools by Nervous System
- Generative wood Puzzle:
- Growing a Hyphae Lamp process and results
- Written Images (2011, d_effekt)
Information visualization.
- Baby Name Voyager and ColorCode (2005, Martin Wattenberg)
- Zipdecode (2004, Ben Fry)
- We Feel Fine (2006, Jonathan Harris)
- Annual Reports (2005–, Nicholas Felton)
Interactive art.
- Boundary Functions (1998, Scott Snibbe)
- Text Rain (1999, Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv)
- Rain Room (2012, Random International)
- Access (2003, Marie Sester)
- 21 Balançoires (Daily Tous les Jours / Mouna Andraos & Melissa Mongiat. 2012)
- Hand from Above (2008, Chris O’Shea + video)
- Delicate Boundaries (2008) and Base8 (2011, Christine Sugrue)
- le Monde des Montaignes (2008, Camille Scherrer)
- Face Substitution (2011, Kyle McDonald and Arturo Castro)
- Sniff (2011, Karolina Sobecka & Jim George)
- The Treachery of Sanctuary (2012, Chris Milk et. al)
- Puppet Parade, Rise and Fall, Night Bright (2006 -, Theo Watson + Emily Gobeille)
Critical Making & Tactical Media.
- Solar Sinter (2011, Markus Kayser)
- Newstweek (2010, Julian Oliver + video)
- Transparency Grenade (2011, Julian Oliver)
- People Staring at Computers (2011, Kyle McDonald)
- Laser Tag (2006, Grafitti Research Lab + video)
- Nuage Vert (2008, Helen Evans & Heiko Hansen + video)
- The Eyewriter (2009, Evan Roth et. al)
- IQ Font (2009, Zach Lieberman et al.)
- Receipt Racer (2011, Joshua Noble + d_effekt)
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, The Trace (1995)
THE TRACE is a telepresence installation that invites two participants in remote sites to share the same telematic space. The main objective of THE TRACE is to allow the two remote participants to “telembody”, that is, to have them occupy identical positions in telematic space, to the point where they are inside each other. This is done using real-time audiovisual events that reconstruct the three-dimensional presence of each participant in the space of the other. Each station consists of a dark room with a giant rear-projection screen on the ceiling, a side monitor, four robot-lamps hanging from the ceiling and ten speakers distributed around the room. Upon entering the station, each participant is given a small wireless sensor that monitors his or her exact 3-dimensional position.
inFORM (2014) by the Tangible Media Group is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in a tangible way. inFORM can also interact with the physical world around it, for example moving objects on the table’s surface. Remote participants in a video conference can be displayed physically, allowing for a strong sense of presence and the ability to interact physically at a distance.
Some Showreels:
- toxiclibs showreel 2009 from postspectacular on Vimeo.
- ToxicLibs showreel 2010 from postspectacular on Vimeo.
- made with openFrameworks from openFrameworks on Vimeo.