For my lenticular animation project, I decided to make a night sky which is suspended from gears. For some reason I really just like the idea of having sky-based things like stars/clouds/moons/etc physically hanging from some mechanism. It’s a visual theme which has been floating around in my head for a long time and which I want to incorporate in my future digital paintings. I used this palette in my design. I was inspired to make a sort of limited-palette toy-like design from some of the GIFs I saw on the 89A site, such as this one.
I think my work succeeded in that it has a pleasing color scheme and playful atmosphere. It evokes the feelings of stage props for an elementary school production or one of those baby toys that you hang above baby cribs, thereby giving it a child-like personality which I feel was successful. If I had more time I would have made the clouds move in more interesting ways rather than just the back and forth motion they have now. This goes for the moon as well.
Here is my initial sketch for the project:
Here is my Processing code:
int nFramesInLoop = 10; //Change to 10 for lenticular
int nElapsedFrames;
boolean bRecording;
float scale = 1.5; //Used to change the composition size
//The current frame we're on
int currentFrame;
class CloudParticle {
float x;
float y;
int size;
int c1;
int c2;
int c3;
float xRand;
float yRand;
int movement;
int alpha;
CloudParticle(int x, int y, int size, int c1, int c2, int c3, int alpha) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.size = size;
this.c1 = c1;
this.c2 = c2;
this.c3 = c3;
this.alpha = alpha;
xRand = random(-1, 1);
yRand = random(-1, 1);
movement = 1;
public void draw() {
fill(c1, c2, c3, alpha);
ellipse(x, y, size, size);
class Cloud {
int centerX;
int centerY;
int numParticles;
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
int force;
public CloudParticle[] particles;
int c1;
int c2;
int c3;
Cloud(int centerX, int centerY, int numParticles, int xOffset, int yOffset, int force, int s1, int s2,
int c1, int c2, int c3) {
this.centerX = centerX;
this.centerY = centerY;
this.numParticles = numParticles;
this.xOffset = xOffset;
this.yOffset = yOffset;
this.force = force;
this.c1 = c1;
this.c2 = c2;
this.c3 = c3;
particles = new CloudParticle[numParticles];
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; i ++) {
int xPos = (int)random(centerX - xOffset, centerX + xOffset);
int yPos = (int)random(centerY - yOffset, centerY + yOffset);
int size = (int)random(s1,s2);
int newc1 = c1 + i * 5;
int newc2 = c2 + i * 5;
int newc3 = c3 + i * 5;
CloudParticle cp = new CloudParticle(xPos, yPos, size, newc1, newc2, newc3, 200);
particles[i] = cp;
public void draw() {
fill(115, 98, 110);
rect(centerX-10, 120, 5, centerY - 120);
rect(centerX+10, 120, 5, centerY - 120);
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
Cloud c1;
Cloud c2;
Cloud c3;
Cloud c4;
Cloud c5;
CloudParticle darkSideOfTheMoon;
void setup() {
size((int)(1000 * scale),(int)(1000 * scale));
bRecording = false;
nElapsedFrames = 0;
frameRate (nFramesInLoop);
currentFrame = 0;
c1 = new Cloud(200, 500, 40, 60, 30, 1, 30, 60, 115, 98, 110);
c2 = new Cloud(700, 500, 40, 175, 50, 1, 75, 100, 115, 98, 110);
c3 = new Cloud(500, 800, 40, 200, 50, 1, 90, 120, 65, 62, 74);
c4 = new Cloud(300, 600, 20, 80, 30, 1, 40, 70, 240, 180, 158);
c5 = new Cloud(720, 680, 30, 140, 50, 1, 70, 90, 240, 180, 158);
darkSideOfTheMoon = new CloudParticle(580, 320, 100, 65, 62, 74, 255);
void keyPressed() {
//Press a key to export frames to the output folder
bRecording = true;
nElapsedFrames = 0;
void draw() {
scale(scale, scale); //used for rescaling the composition size
translate(0, 20);
// Compute a percentage (0...1) representing where we are in the loop.
float percentCompleteFraction = 0;
if (bRecording) {
percentCompleteFraction = (float) nElapsedFrames / (float)nFramesInLoop;
else {
float modFrame = (float) (frameCount % nFramesInLoop);
percentCompleteFraction = modFrame / (float)nFramesInLoop;
// Render the design, based on that percentage.
renderDesign (percentCompleteFraction);
// If we're recording the output, save the frame to a file.
if (bRecording) {
String myName = "sylviakosowski";
saveFrame("output/"+ myName + "-loop-" + nf(nElapsedFrames, 4) + ".png");
if (nElapsedFrames == nFramesInLoop) {
bRecording = false;
//Create the design
void renderDesign (float percent) {
background(65, 62, 74);
/* top left dark pink wheel */
wheel(300, 150, 159, 109, 112, 200, 170, 100, 8, percent, 14);
/* center smaller wheel */
wheel(500, 150, 179, 129, 132, 140, 120, 70, 5, percent, 10);
/* right top wheel */
wheel(690, 150, 95, 78, 90, 200, 170, 100, 4, percent,14);
hangingStar(190, 750, 20, 40, 620, percent);
animateCloud(c3, percent);
animateCloud(c5, percent);
animateCloud(c1, percent);
animateCloud(c2, percent);
animateCloud(c4, percent);
hangingStar(150, 350, 20, 40, 220, -percent);
hangingStar(400, 420, 20, 40, 300, percent);
hangingStar(800, 350, 20, 40, 240, -percent);
void animateCloud(Cloud c, float percent) {
CloudParticle[] cp = c.particles;
for(int i = 0; i < cp.length; i++) {
float newPosX;
float newPosY;
if(frameCount%(nFramesInLoop/2) == 0) {
cp[i].movement *= -1;
newPosX = cp[i].xRand * cp[i].movement;
newPosY = cp[i].yRand * cp[i].movement;
cp[i].x = cp[i].x + newPosX;
cp[i].y = cp[i].y + newPosY;
void moon(float percent) {
fill(179, 129, 132);
rect(620, 120, 5, 200);
rect(640, 120, 5, 200);
fill(240, 180, 158);
ellipse(620, 320, 100, 100);
float newPosX;
if(frameCount%(nFramesInLoop/2) == 0) {
darkSideOfTheMoon.movement *= -1;
newPosX = darkSideOfTheMoon.movement;
darkSideOfTheMoon.x = darkSideOfTheMoon.x + newPosX;
void allGears(float percent) {
/* center top darker purple gray gear */
gear(95, 78, 90, 220, 130, 60, 70, 15, 20, percent);
/*left top small pale purple really spikey jagged */
gear(115,98, 110, 300, 140, 40, 60, 20, 10, percent);
/*Lefttop large pink ultraspiky */
gear(179, 129, 132, 200, 200, 90, 100, 20, 40, -percent);
/*Left top small spiky gear*/
gear(115, 98, 110, 150, 150, 50, 70, 10, 20, percent);
/* center top darker purple gray gear */
gear(95, 78, 90, 400, 120, 60, 70, 15, 20, -percent);
/* light purple right behind large pink */
gear(115, 98, 110, 700, 120, 40, 60, 14, 20, percent);
/* right top bottom light pink */
gear(179,129,132, 820, 230, 50, 60, 10, 10, -percent);
/* right large pink */
gear(159, 109, 112, 800, 150, 100, 110, 20, 40, percent);
/* center dark pink */
gear(159, 109, 112, 600, 150, 50, 60, 12, 10, -percent);
/* right small pink 4 */
gear(179,129,132, 690, 150, 20, 60, 4, 10, -percent);
void hangingStar(int x, int y, int r1, int r2, int stringLength, float rate) {
fill(179, 129, 132);
rect(x-10, 120, 5, stringLength);
rect(x+10, 120, 5, stringLength);
gear(247, 228, 190, x, y, r1, r2, 5, 0, rate);
void gear(int c1, int c2, int c3, int x, int y, float radius1, float radius2, int nPoints,
int centerRadius, float rate) {
translate(x, y);
//rotate(frameCount / rate);
rotate(rate * TWO_PI / nPoints );
star(0,0, radius1, radius2, nPoints, rate);
ellipse(0,0,centerRadius, centerRadius);
/* Using star function from default examples */
void star(float x, float y, float radius1, float radius2, int npoints, float percent) {
float angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
float halfAngle = angle/2.0;
for (float a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
float sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
float sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
vertex(sx, sy);
sx = x + cos(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
sy = y + sin(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
vertex(sx, sy);
//Make a wheel, specifying color, radius, and number of spokes
void wheel(int x, int y, int c1, int c2, int c3, int outerRadius, int innerRadius,
int spokeRadius, int numSpokes, float percent, int weight) {
ellipse(x, y, outerRadius, outerRadius);
fill(65, 62, 74);
ellipse(x, y, innerRadius, innerRadius);
//Using Golan's sample code
float radius = spokeRadius;
for (int i=0; i < numSpokes; i++) {
float armAngle = (percent + i) * (TWO_PI/numSpokes);
float px = x + radius*cos(armAngle);
float py = y + radius*sin(armAngle);
line (x, y, px, py);