27 Jan 2015

My watch face was inspired by the phrase ‘watch the clock’.


There are 12 eyes, each representing the hour. The hour determines which eye is opened and blinking on a two second loop. The single open eye stares where the current minute hand would be pointing on a standard analog clock. For instance, at 5:30, the last eye would be looking straight down.


I hoped that the eyes would bring the pebble to life, transform it from a smartwatch into an organism. I think I accomplished some level of this goal, though the design is still very digital and uniformly patterned. I wanted to use a frame-by-frame animation to simulate organic motion. Lastly, I chose to loop the animation to best represent time.

Upon evaluation, I feel that my clock does not make the best use of the space provided. Although the entire screen is filled with graphics, only one eye (1/12th of screen) blinks at a time.