
04 Feb 2015

Since I accidentally made my looking out 3 post about generative work. This post will be about projects using OF addons.

L.A.S.E.R. Tag, a collaborative project between several artists at the Graffiti Research Lab (GRL), is an open source broadcasting platform for activist and hackers. It uses an openFrameworks application with several addons including, computer vision, graphics, sound and, serial communication. Computer vision is used to track strokes made with a laser pointer. These strokes are interpreted by the program and projected back by a high powered projector as light graffiti onto the surface of your choice.

I like the way this project overrides typical methods of communication which tend to favor people with financial or political power. Making the code opensource and providing detailed instructions on how to create your own L.A.S.E.R. tag system makes it accessible to a larger audience.

I wonder if it would be possible to make this project entirely remote. The projector could either be hidden prior to installation or be mobile by mounting it on a drone. Users could also draw images remotely on a computer to be sent to the projector. There could be a collaborative aspect where multiple users could contribute drawings through a web interface. It could be interesting to add a deeper level of anonymity.