
14 Jan 2015

I am an architect, researcher, author and lecturer from Brasil.

I am a current PhD student in Computational Design, I earned a bachelor degree in architecture and urban studies by University of Brasília (2006) and a Master degree in University of São Paulo (2011).

My current interests range from design philosophy and theory to computational design. Particularly, I am interested in Cybernetics and AI as I intend to develop interactive agent-based systems to support design exploration. As a simple example of these systems I will present here an Interactive bubble diagram developed to support design exploration. The proposed diagram consists of multiple goal-oriented agents, whose interaction with the user stimulates the analysis and exploration of new spatial patterns.

Surely, I was not the first to develop a computational bubble diagram (see also this other recent project), but I tried to use event-driven programming techniques emphasizing functions to amplify the interaction between user and agents.

When I am not researching or playing with bubbles I like to draw or practice some martial art such as jiu-jitsu or boxing.