
14 Jan 2015


Hi, great to meet you! My name is Miles.

I’m Miles, a student and artist. Please find me on Twitter here, on GitHub here, and IRL over here.

I use a bottom-up approach to a top-down one, meaning I like to make things through experimentation rather than specification. Some topics that interest me are: deletion, sound, interface aesthetics, the end of the world.

Project: Website

buttons are stretched tight

the buttons SNAP into place if you probe them with your mouse

For some time I’ve wanted a personal website to post my work on. Past sites of mine felt template-impersonal and template-cold. I sought a format that made practical sense for the work I planned to showcase, and also conveyed aspects of my personality through the design.

The site is composed entirely of HTML buttons, stretched and animated using the CSS3 transform property. Each button corresponds to a project, and renders a video or image to the canvas when pressed. The initial layout of the button is more or less random. The projects are defined in an XML file that P5.js can parse.

This approach traded usability for playfulness, which may be irritating for site visitors who simply want my contact information. I plan to iterate on this design, focusing more on functionality next time.

I made the site using GitHub Pages for hosting (for free), and P5.js for interactivity.

Please view the site here: