
20 Jan 2015

This is a visualization of an image Famouse Failures, posted by George Takei (https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/599976_504919949537463_2132246819_n.jpg?oh=38ad5d34226541e057cc825a2f9fe91c&oe=5522B0BF&__gda__=1428447542_49778975b127771e511bdde7ccc070c9), going viral. It is made by Stamen. I really like the organic animation, how it spreads out like water or fire. The movement is very mesmerizing. However, datapoints seem to be just placed randomly. Instead, I would prefer if the X and Y axis were to have some meaning. It reminded me of timelapse visualizations, such as those found in weather reports. After some research, I realized that Stamen do in fact make weather report visualizations.

Invisible Cities visualizes social media usage as terrain, generating a secondary city on top of an existing map. I like how it created a totally foreign and new landscape based on an existing one. However, the ground texture is pretty low res, which when combined with the monochrome theme makes the land barely recognizable as such. The interactive element is fantastic, which allows one to explore wherever they want. However, this does not seem to be doing it live, as I would like to see what the current landscape looks like. I like its choice of using a dimension, instead of say color in a heatmap as other visualizations do.