
28 Jan 2015

A couple neat OFX Addons:

ofxProcTree – a procedural tree generator. Looks like it makes trees, like this:


I guess this is a “parametric object”, like our next assignment will include. There’s a handful of parameters, and I guess if you tweak them right you can get something cool and semi-realistic like this. Not super-realistic, but I could imagine a forest of these and it would look reasonable.

ofxObjectSurfer– an object recognizer/tracker. You draw a lasso around an object in one frame of a video, and this will track that object in the rest of the video. I was kind of hoping it was a general object recognizer (I give it an image and it returns a list of objects in the image), which it seems not to be, but still cool. I don’t know much about vision, but it looks like it works based on “features”, or little tiny bits of the image that it can recognize even when rotated or moved.

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