Week 1
Build the basic model and finish the audio sketch
- Connect XboX controller and my computer, test in Max/Msp
- Use Max/Msp to make a simple drum machine, that can trigger several playbacks
- Also, controller need to be able to set duration and volume for the current note.
Week 2
Build the visual sketch
- Connect Max/Msp with Processing together
- Pass control signal from Max/Msp to Processing
- Designa and implement animation for control signals
Week 3
Build the robot part
- Find out how to hack Keepon
- Use this knowledge to pass control signal to Keepon through Arduino
Week 4
- Redesign audio samples to make the output sound more interesting
- Group audio samples into several groups and make a selection GUI in the main animation
Week 5
- Deign more Keepon dancing patterns
- Look up the part about music emotion system, find out if there is one that ready-to-use
- Improve details in animation and interaction