I’m always unsatisfied with China’s website banning policy, so my topic is about the great firewall. The most difficult part for me is to decide which part I should critique and what kind of data I should collect.
I intended to collect data about which website is banned and how long since it was banned. But it’s hard to tell the exact date — we don’t have this kind of data.
Then I thought maybe collecting data of posts over time which were pinned inside China in some banned websites, like Instagram in this case, might be a good idea.
I used a lot of time to label the latitude and longitude of a precision of 0.001 inside China mainland, and after I spent 1 hour on this work, I realized it was too trivial. So at last I just collected data from three major cities — Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
It is the first time for me to do data collection and scraping work, and it’s really interesting to decide the topic. And through this project, I feel I have more insights of data I collected, and I’d love to present and visualize it in the future.
Here are some positions I collected using Instagram (most of them are just restaurants:) ):
羊坊镇 |
阳坊胜利涮羊肉(胜利总店) |
后白虎涧村 |
Yangfang, Beijing, China |
阳坊大都涮羊肉(大都总店) |
阳坊大都饭店 Yang Fang Da Du Hotel |
白虎涧 Baihujian |
Great Wall of China |
Isle of Skye,Scotland |
沙河水庫 |
沙河基地科技园区 |
百晨生态园 |
沙河大坝 |
先力片場 |
Mobil Ave |
北亚花园 |
北亚小区 |
物美超市 |
China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center |
Grill 29 |
北七家 |
Braja ashram |
八仙宾馆影视基地 |
Beiqijia |
俄罗斯餐厅 |
Chateau Laffitte Hotel |
Garden Hotel |
虎鳄农场 |
福寿斋 |
福寿斋清真烤鸭店 |
顺丰优选北京仓 |
Casa da vovó Alzira |
佰吉天园 |
beijing air harbor hotel |
上井日式料理 |
海港一号 |
中国东方航空营销委员工食堂 |
沪渝高速 |
海港一號 |
帕缇欧香苑北门 |
Shanghai Qingpu |
梦丹苑 |
Qing Pu Paladset |
崧泽古文化遗址 |
Home |
重庆家富富侨足浴 |
Longde Road Station |
Longde Road Station |
Longde Road Station |
英倫風尚 |
DHJ Interlining (Chargeurs Interlining) | 迪志衬布(上海) |
Ai Mei Chinese Restaurant |
ZF China (Investment) Co. |
阔客仕 |
好又多 |
Big Shot Beef |
The not so interesting data(like position IDs and posts amount over month) can be found on github.
Here is my github repo.
My visualization plan includes a Chinese map, with the color showing the user post amount.