Category Archives: 23-parametricobject

Thomas Langerak – Parametric Object

I have made an openSCAD program for making a king that can be used in a chess game.picture1picture2picture3


Almost everything in this design is customizable. Width, Height and width in middle of the foot, body and head. One can choose between an cross or crown, amount of rings, distance between rings. A lot. I have chosen to do this shape, since it is my custom shape when making a visualization in a new kind of enviroment (whether it is processing, SolidWorks or in this case OpenSCAD). It provides with many difficulties levels, one can start out extremely simpel and slowly progress to more advanced things.

Something that I would like to add in the future is that the form of the king is dependable on the move or position on the board. So when the king is in the square A1 it looks different than in square B2. What I am content with is the amount a variables and that everything influences eachother to some extent, without being buggy. This is the project I am most content with for this assignment



09 Feb 2015

Twisty Tentacle Generator

314 6

I wanted to make something organic, and sprouting out tentacles came into mind immediately. Cordscrew/spirals are also found in many organic objects also, so I wanted to incorporate that too. I made the code such that the number of tentacles, the lengths , the variation in lengths, the twist amount and variation, the offset of the twist, and the width of the tendrils are all customizable, which allows me to generate vastly different looking objects. I was initially reluctant to make this, because most of the examples I have seen of OpenSCAD are more angular and based on industrial shapes. However after digging through the documentation I found many build in functionalities that allows me to basically achieve the exact look I was going for.





[sketchfab id=”db9c04f4154242318eb2352ff340bd03″ height=”480″ start=”0″ controls=”0″]

[sketchfab id=”f1f65a2ec9a545bda2773012378e3527″ height=”480″ start=”0″ controls=”0″]


    n: number of tentacles
    h: height
    dh: height variation
    t: twist
    dt: twist variation
    o: offset
    w: width of tendrils
module generate(n, h, dh, t, dt, o, w)
    randomh = rands(-dh,dh,n);
    randomt = rands(-dt,dt,n);

    for(i = [0:n-1])
            translate([-20, 0, 0])
                linear_extrude(height = h, 
                               center = false, 
                               convexity = 10, 
                               twist = t + randomt[i], 
                               slices = 10)
                        translate([o, 0, 0])
                        circle(r = w);
generate(50, 200, 100, -500, 200, 40, 10);



08 Feb 2015

Short Explanation:

I made bears that were mutated.

Long Explanation:

I grew up living less than a mile from an oil refinery, so if it blew up, I would be homeless and possibly dead.

Keeping this in mind, I wondered what would happen to the animals surrounding my house in the aftermath of the explosion, and I realized something—in the years to come, there would be a menagerie of animal mutations.

For example:

This is a normal bear:

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 9.06.49 PM


But with the effects of oil infecting the water supplies, this could be the new “normal” bear:

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 9.08.14 PM

Here are some more bears in case you wanted to see more bears:

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 9.16.21 PM


And here are my sketches if you’re into that sort of thing:






Bryce Summers

08 Feb 2015

Tweetable Summary

Parametric Pasta by @Bryce_Works. A parametric form for generating pasta shapes.


I was buying groceries at the grocery store last week and was trying to think of a good parametric form. I then walked past the past aisle and the idea hit me, why not make some parametric past objects. I thought that pasta would be a great parametric form, because in the real world pretty much all past is made of the same materials and the only thing that really differentiates different types of pasta is the form of the edible mass. One could even say that the texture of past is dependent on the form of the pieces that enter you mouth. I think that I did alright, but I wish that I could have been able to link some spines together to define arbitrary spatial lines for my past pieces. I also found out that the pasta corporations have already been experimenting with new pasta forms.


Sketches for my parametric objects.

Sketches for my parametric objects.








Thin SpaghettiSpagettit


Super TwistySuperTwisty Twisty twisty





 Open SCAD code.

module pasta(parts, radius, pasta_twist, pasta_height, separation_radius, flat)

	for(i = [0:parts])

		linear_extrude(height = pasta_height, center = true, convexity = 10,
							 twist = pasta_twist, slices = 200, $fn = 200)
		rotate([0, 0, i*360/parts])
		translate([separation_radius, 0, 0])

	else{circle(r = radius);}


/* // Spagetti.
parts = 1;
radius = .1;
pasta_twist = 400;
pasta_height = 10;
separation_radius = 2;
flat = false;

/* // Thin Spagetti.
parts = 1;
radius = .05;
pasta_twist = 400;
pasta_height = 10;
separation_radius = 2;
flat = false;

// Linguini.
parts = 1;
radius = .05;
pasta_twist = 400;
pasta_height = 10;
separation_radius = 2;
flat = true;

/*// Penne.
parts = 10;
radius = .4;
pasta_twist = 0;
pasta_height = 10;
separation_radius = 1;
flat = false;

/*// Ziti.
parts = 40;
radius = .2;
pasta_twist = 0;
pasta_height = 4;
separation_radius = 1;
flat = false;

/*// Twisty
parts = 10;
radius = .4;
pasta_twist = 200;
pasta_height = 8;
separation_radius = 1;
flat = false;

/*// Super twisty.
parts = 10;
radius = .4;
pasta_twist = 1000;
pasta_height = 8;
separation_radius = 1;
flat = false;

pasta(parts, radius, pasta_twist, pasta_height, separation_radius, flat);

[sketchfab id=”526645fa5eb443f6a300813f545e6ff9″ height = “480” start = “0” contols=”0″]

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