Bryce Summers

10 Feb 2015


ofxFluid :



Here is a video:


I looked though the openFrameworks addons website:

I chose the first addons that seemed even remotely interesting and tried to compile them using Open Frameworks. I soon gave up on the one that was only works on osx.

I chose an addon that allows for arced text to be drawn to the screen and a fluid simulation addon. I then combined them by using the arced text as obstacles for the fluid to flow through. I then decided to make the text a little bit more interesting by making it say “The Hidden Message!”. I was not really inspired to combine these libraries, but was interested in seeing if I could find an interaction between two randomly chosen components. I am very pleased with the symbiotic relation that the two addons have with each other and think my project has a high interest to development time ration.

Hidden Message Screenshot.

Hidden Message Screenshot.
