ofxAddon 3d Scanning from Amy Friedman on Vimeo.
For this project I used ofxKinect and ofxControlPanel to 3d Scan amputated limbs. The idea is to control the viewpoint depth of frame to save and export a point cloud or mesh of both sides of an amputees limb. These two scans can later be combine them together to create a customized mesh to create a customized prosthetic for their limb to fit into. I used the parametric object to be generated based on the exported meshes size, width and height. A kinect is a low cost solution to allow for some type of 3d scanning to occur, but it only gets 60 dpi of resolution, causing the scan to not be as accurate as hope. I was able to create an interface to change the depth that was clipped using the ofxControlPanel, and looked to Golan Levin & Kyle Mcdonalds Kinect Workshop to guide me through utilized the addons. I wanted to create something that could be practically used and create customizable objects for anyone, not just prosthetics.
The Github Repository can be found here.