Introduction to p5.js
Orientation to p5.js: Who, What & Why
- Lauren McCarthy’s Hello p5 (8m)
- Dan Shiffman’s trailer (1m)
- Dan Shiffman’s Coding Train
- The p5.js community statement
- The Processing Foundation
Introduction to the p5.js Tool & Ecosystem
- The p5.js web site
- The p5.js reference
- The p5.js examples
- The p5.js editor
- Our OpenProcessing course page
- Here’s a handy p5.js Cheat Sheet
Coding in p5.js
- setup() and draw()
- print(); width, height
- circle(), rect(); shapes in reference
- coordinates, arguments
- line(), strokeweight()
- fill(), stroke(); noFill(), noStroke()
- color, transparency; web color names
- shape layering
- drawing states: valid until changed
- random()