Category Archives: 12-datascraping

Sylvia Kosowski

27 Jan 2015

I frequent Tumblr a lot, and during my time there I’ve gained an appreciation for the particular culture and quirks that Tumblr users have. In particular, I’ve noticed many different typing behaviors and patterns that occur in text posts that Tumblr users create. These posts are tagged with “#text post,” and can vary in subject matter from personal anecdotes, to insightful/funny quotes, moments of revelation over something, etc. I wanted to collect the text in these posts and see if I can create some sort of overarching Tumblr narrative out of them, possibly by analyzing common words/topics/tags/themes/phrases/sentence patterns that occur in these posts. I’m thinking some sort of interactive encyclopedia of the common Tumblr mannerisms that occur in these posts could be interesting. Either that, or a Tumblr bot which generates hopefully realistic text posts based on the patterns it observes in the collected posts.

I have another idea which I also scraped some data for and which I might do instead. It involves tracking posts with the tag “otp” (short for one-true-pairing). Tumblr users often pair or “ship” fictional characters together, draw fanart for these pairings, etc. I was thinking of exploring this peculiar hobby by doing an analysis on which of these pairings is most popular among Tumblr users. However, I think I would have to narrow it down to otp’s from one fictional universe, since collecting data for all otp’s is kind of overwhelming, since you need to parse out the names of the otp’s in the tags/posts and that is hard to do for every fandom ever.



public class HelloTemboo {

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 // Instantiate the Choreo, using a previously instantiated TembooSession object, eg:
 TembooSession session = new TembooSession("sakski", "myFirstApp", "key");

 RetrievePostsWithTag retrievePostsWithTagChoreo = new RetrievePostsWithTag(session);

 // Get an InputSet object for the choreo
 RetrievePostsWithTagInputSet retrievePostsWithTagInputs = retrievePostsWithTagChoreo.newInputSet();

 // Set inputs
 retrievePostsWithTagInputs.set_Tag("text post");

 // Execute Choreo
 RetrievePostsWithTagResultSet retrievePostsWithTagResults = retrievePostsWithTagChoreo.execute(retrievePostsWithTagInputs);

 // Parse JSON response using org.json
 JSONObject results = new JSONObject(retrievePostsWithTagResults.get_Response());

 // Get items array
 JSONArray items = results.getJSONArray("response");

 for(int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) {
 JSONObject item = items.getJSONObject(i);


Here’s some of my data from the first idea:

{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:18:19 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:null,”body”:”<p>Oh my god, my WiFi cut off for like an hour or so, and I thought I was going to die. ORZ<\/p>”,”tags”:[“Text post”,”My post”,”=’C”,”I’m so dependent on the Internet it’s not even funny…”,”/weeps”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109289265077,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”brumalbreeze”,”slug”:”oh-my-god-my-wifi-cut-off-for-like-an-hour-or-so”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353899,”reblog_key”:”YgZ8ewFo”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:16:46 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:null,”body”:”<p>true friendship is trading a pidgey for an arceus<\/p>”,”tags”:[“pidgey”,”arceus”,”pokemon”,”friendship”,”text post”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109289221155,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”carbink”,”slug”:”true-friendship-is-trading-a-pidgey-for-an-arceus”,”note_count”:4,”timestamp”:1422353806,”reblog_key”:”eStwvD28″}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:12:48 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”chat”,”title”:null,”body”:”My brother: Wanna hear something that’ll make you cry?\nMe: ….sure\nMy brother: School.”,”tags”:[“school”,”fml”,”so tru”,”text post”,”relatable”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”dialogue”:[{“phrase”:”Wanna hear something that’ll make you cry?”,”name”:”My brother”,”label”:”My brother:”},{“phrase”:”….sure”,”name”:”Me”,”label”:”Me:”},{“phrase”:”School.”,”name”:”My brother”,”label”:”My brother:”}],”id”:109289105837,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”therandompandah”,”slug”:”my-brother-wanna-hear-something-thatll-make-you”,”note_count”:2,”timestamp”:1422353568,”reblog_key”:”BSRThf8E”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:09:14 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:null,”body”:”<p>I most certainly should not be allowed to have my phone after midnight because I do not make good decisions and do things like hit up a bunch of people on Tinder.<\/p>”,”tags”:[“text post”,”personal”,”someone please take the internet away from me”,”it’s bad”,”tinder”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109288993203,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”pwentx”,”slug”:”i-most-certainly-should-not-be-allowed-to-have-my”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353354,”reblog_key”:”H760QPNd”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:09:01 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”chat”,”title”:”Getting sick one day before exam”,”body”:”me: God, I feel awful.\r\nmy brain: maybe you’re just pretending.\r\nme: I feel dizzy and sick, I can’t eat or read…gah.\r\nmy brain: But what if…you’re just pretending?\r\nme: What if, I am?”,”tags”:[“thank you brain”,”text post”,”me”,”sick”,”exam”,”finals”,”cold”,”being sick”,”brain”,”conversation with my brain”,”study time”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”dialogue”:[{“phrase”:”God, I feel awful.”,”name”:”me”,”label”:”me:”},{“phrase”:”maybe you’re just pretending.”,”name”:”my brain”,”label”:”my brain:”},{“phrase”:”I feel dizzy and sick, I can’t eat or read…gah.”,”name”:”me”,”label”:”me:”},{“phrase”:”But what if…you’re just pretending?”,”name”:”my brain”,”label”:”my brain:”},{“phrase”:”What if, I am?”,”name”:”me”,”label”:”me:”}],”id”:109288988346,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”sayhellonana”,”slug”:”getting-sick-one-day-before-exam”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353341,”reblog_key”:”BsOalPTL”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:07:37 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:”She has a shitty personally and the face to match.”,”body”:””,”tags”:[“personal”,”lol”,”text post”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109288946698,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”zombehh512″,”slug”:”she-has-a-shitty-personally-and-the-face-to-match”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353257,”reblog_key”:”79dhQvaa”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:05:49 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:”Hmm, might have to buy Guild Wars 2 on payday! “,”body”:”<p>Now that there&#8217;s a Beta version for Mac users. :)<\/p>”,”tags”:[“Non-Sims”,”Text post”,”Guild Wars 2″],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109288895737,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”beautifulplumbobs”,”slug”:”hmm-might-have-to-buy-guild-wars-2-on-payday”,”note_count”:6,”timestamp”:1422353149,”reblog_key”:”wike22eL”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:05:48 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:null,”body”:”<p>Teen Beach Movie is actually the greatest ever and someone needs to buy me the soundtrack.<\/p>\n\n<p>Regardless of the fact that it&#8217;s literally Hairspray, Cry Baby, Fat Albert, and Grease all in one.<\/p>”,”tags”:[“personal”,”text post”,”disney channel”,”teen beach movie”,”maia mitchell”,”ross lynch”,”disney”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109288895469,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”radicalshmatical”,”slug”:”teen-beach-movie-is-actually-the-greatest-ever-and”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353148,”reblog_key”:”yLQ7vlyb”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:05:41 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”caption”:””,”type”:”photo”,”photos”:[{“caption”:””,”alt_sizes”:[{“width”:500,”url”:””,”height”:621},{“width”:400,”url”:””,”height”:497},{“width”:250,”url”:””,”height”:311},{“width”:100,”url”:””,”height”:124},{“width”:75,”url”:””,”height”:75}],”original_size”:{“width”:500,”url”:””,”height”:621}}],”tags”:[“text”,”text post”,”amazing”,”love you”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:”″,”image_permalink”:”″,”id”:109288891510,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”withclassylife”,”slug”:””,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353141,”reblog_key”:”o09mBNrf”}
{“date”:”2015-01-27 10:04:42 GMT”,”highlighted”:[],”format”:”html”,”type”:”text”,”title”:null,”body”:”<p>I\u2019m awake early in the morning! I need more blogs to follow! like this and I\u2019ll check you out!<\/p>”,”tags”:[“follow”,”follow for follow”,”like this”,”text post”,”new blogs”,”followers”,”morning”,”like”,”follow me”],”short_url”:””,”post_url”:””,”id”:109288862935,”state”:”published”,”blog_name”:”itsonlynoon”,”slug”:”im-awake-early-in-the-morning-i-need-more-blogs”,”note_count”:0,”timestamp”:1422353082,”reblog_key”:”fMAm0ann”}

John Choi

27 Jan 2015

The Idea:
We wish to answer a simple question:  what do words sounds like?  Not the pronunciation, like when we ask for what a word looks like, we don’t say it looks like some scribbles on a piece of paper.  For example, we ask, “What does an airplane look like”?  One could respond, “It is a big, metal tube with large fins placed symmetrically around the object”.  Now, we as what does it sound like?  We could say “vreeeeeoooo”.  This is great for physical objects that emanate sound waves, but what about more abstract things, like “happiness”?  Or “malevolence”?  My project, the “Sound Collector,” aims to find a tangible way to find out what words sound like.  It does this by searching YouTube for a word, finding a video, and recording the first 5 seconds of audio, and doing this for several hundred links (this is accomplished with a clever use of the Java robot class).  To auditorially visualize this data, I am thinking of averaging all the collected sound samples of a search term.

Sample Collection of 10 sounds, search term is “gregarious”:

Rough Sketch:

GitHub repository:


27 Jan 2015

Initially, I was very unsure of what data to scrape. After browsing through Temboo’s examples, I came across some code designed to obtain the most shared articles from the NY Times. I modified it to include only the current day’s most shared articles from Facebook.  Additionally, it retrieves the most viewed articles as well. After finding a similar list on the NYTimes website, I decided to filter my search further, only looking at the shares and views of the ‘Arts’ section.

Here are the top three results in each category for 1/27/2015

Most Shared Results:
1) “Recalling a Film From the Liberation of the Camps”
In 1945, filmmakers accompanied Allied troops as they liberated concentration camps.
The documentary Night Will Fall samples their footage and offers eyewitness accounts.
2) “Met Opera Cancels Premiere; Broadway Shows Canceled”
The snowstorm also led to cancellations of a Louis CK performance, dance workshops and music
3) “‘Downton Abbey’ Recap: Thomas and the Heterosexual Household”
Thomas thinks he has problems!

Most Viewed Results:
1) “‘Downton Abbey’ Recap: Thomas and the Heterosexual Household”
Thomas thinks he has problems!
2) “Met Opera Cancels Premiere; Broadway Shows Canceled”
The snowstorm also led to cancellations of a Louis CK performance, dance workshops and music
3) “Snowed In? Here’s What to Watch, Read or Listen To”
Streaming TV, movies, music and books to help you through a winter storm.

What I am interested in here is what people are actually reading compared to what people would like others to think they are reading. I think this is interesting in the field of art especially since it seems like so many artists strive to maintain a

~*Semblance of Sophistication*~

My code is on Github.

I’m not sure yet how I would visualize this information. I’m not even sure if there is enough here to work with. My next step would be parsing the JSON blob received into coherent lists, so I can decide if I want to continue the project with these inquiries.

I do know that I did not use Temboo to it’s full ability and now that the learning curve is accounted for, I’d like to see what else it has to offer.


Amy Friedman

27 Jan 2015

There is a disconnect between what is advocated as a healthy lifestyle and what people truly accomplish each day. With better design we can improve the usability of technologies and strengthen the importance of healthy living to the everyday person. is a charity for children in need that allows schools to request donations, I chose to focus on Health and Sports category as it is important that children have the opportunity to play sports, be active and live a healthy lifestyle. I am interested to see what activities different areas throughout the country are focusing on to advocate for a strong community and better life. I may also try to utilize census information to compare the different areas that have requested donations, Fitbit data, and Natural Disasters/Weather.

XML Data Output

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<o><breadcrumb class=”array”><e class=”array”><e type=”string”>subject2</e><e type=”string”>-2</e><e type=”string”>Health &amp;amp; Sports</e></e></breadcrumb><index type=”string”>0</index><max type=”string”>10</max><proposals class=”array”><e class=”object”><additionalSubjects class=”array”><e class=”object”><groupId type=”string”>2</groupId><id type=”string”>2</id><name type=”string”>Sports</name></e></additionalSubjects><city type=”string”>Charlotte</city><costToComplete type=”string”>89.34</costToComplete><expirationDate type=”string”>2015-05-20</expirationDate><freeShipping type=”string”>true</freeShipping><fulfillmentTrailer type=”string”>My students need an IPad with wifi capability.</fulfillmentTrailer><fundURL type=”string”>;donationAmount=45&amp;utm_source=api&amp;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=fundlink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</fundURL><fundingStatus type=”string”>needs funding</fundingStatus><gradeLevel class=”object”><id type=”string”>4</id><name type=”string”>Grades 9-12</name></gradeLevel><id type=”string”>1474408</id><imageURL type=”string”></imageURL><latitude type=”string”>35.176302000000000</latitude><longitude type=”string”>-80.756732000000000</longitude><matchingFund class=”object”><amount type=”string”>0.00</amount><description type=”string”/><faqURL type=”string”/><logoURL type=”string”/><matchingKey type=”string”/><name type=”string”/><ownerRegion type=”string”/><type type=”string”/></matchingFund><numDonors type=”string”>5</numDonors><percentFunded type=”string”>84</percentFunded><povertyLevel type=”string”>High Poverty</povertyLevel><proposalURL type=”string”>;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=bodylink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</proposalURL><resource class=”object”><id type=”string”>2</id><name type=”string”>Technology</name></resource><schoolName type=”string”>East Mecklenburg Senior High School</schoolName><schoolTypes class=”array”><e class=”object”><id type=”number”>12</id><name type=”string”>Horace Mann (partner)</name></e><e class=”object”><id type=”number”>4</id><name type=”string”>Magnet</name></e></schoolTypes><schoolUrl type=”string”></schoolUrl><shortDescription type=”string”>Typical class day is me giving notes and examples of relevance to real world math. Being able to use technology in the class keeps the students engaged. The students that enter the doors of my…</shortDescription><snippets class=”array”/><state type=”string”>NC</state><stateFullName type=”string”>North Carolina</stateFullName><subject class=”object”><groupId type=”string”>4</groupId><id type=”string”>8</id><name type=”string”>Mathematics</name></subject><teacherFFPromoCodeFund class=”object”><code type=”string”>SPARK</code><deadline type=”string”>January 27</deadline><description type=”string”/><eligible type=”string”>true</eligible><logoURL type=”string”/><matchingKey type=”string”>teacherProm6</matchingKey><name type=”string”>Matching Donor</name><ownerRegion type=”string”>Marketing</ownerRegion><type type=”string”>PROMO</type></teacherFFPromoCodeFund><teacherId type=”string”>2785249</teacherId><teacherName type=”string”>Mr. Koppe</teacherName><teacherTypes class=”array”/><thumbImageURL type=”string”></thumbImageURL><title type=”string”>AP Stats Simulator</title><totalPrice type=”string”>549.64</totalPrice><zip type=”string”>28212-6899</zip><zone class=”object”><id type=”string”>301</id><name type=”string”>North Carolina</name></zone></e><e class=”object”><additionalSubjects class=”array”><e class=”object”><groupId type=”string”>5</groupId><id type=”string”>17</id><name type=”string”>Extracurricular</name></e></additionalSubjects><city type=”string”>Decatur</city><costToComplete type=”string”>278.58</costToComplete><expirationDate type=”string”>2015-05-21</expirationDate><freeShipping type=”string”>false</freeShipping><fulfillmentTrailer type=”string”>My students need 20 volleyballs to begin practicing for their inaugural season.</fulfillmentTrailer><fundURL type=”string”>;donationAmount=45&amp;utm_source=api&amp;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=fundlink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</fundURL><fundingStatus type=”string”>needs funding</fundingStatus><gradeLevel class=”object”><id type=”string”>4</id><name type=”string”>Grades 9-12</name></gradeLevel><id type=”string”>1473901</id><imageURL type=”string”></imageURL><latitude type=”string”>36.331973000000000</latitude><longitude type=”string”>-94.445434000000000</longitude><matchingFund class=”object”><amount type=”string”>0.00</amount><description type=”string”/><faqURL type=”string”/><logoURL type=”string”/><matchingKey type=”string”/><name type=”string”/><ownerRegion type=”string”/><type type=”string”/></matchingFund><numDonors type=”string”>12</numDonors><percentFunded type=”string”>73</percentFunded><povertyLevel type=”string”>Highest Poverty</povertyLevel><proposalURL type=”string”>;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=bodylink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</proposalURL><resource class=”object”><id type=”string”>3</id><name type=”string”>Supplies</name></resource><schoolName type=”string”>Decatur High School</schoolName><schoolTypes class=”array”><e class=”object”><id type=”number”>3</id><name type=”string”>Special Education</name></e><e class=”object”><id type=”number”>12</id><name type=”string”>Horace Mann (partner)</name></e></schoolTypes><schoolUrl type=”string”></schoolUrl><shortDescription type=”string”>I have noticed a disturbing trend in my district; girls are becoming less involved in school activities, and as a result, there are fewer activities being offered for girls. The district complies…</shortDescription><snippets class=”array”/><state type=”string”>AR</state><stateFullName type=”string”>Arkansas</stateFullName><subject

import com.temboo.core.*;
import com.temboo.Library.DonorsChoose.*;

// Create a session using your Temboo account application details
TembooSession session = new TembooSession("yourUserID", "yourSearchName", "personalKey");

void setup() {
// Run the HealthAndSports Choreo function

void runHealthAndSportsChoreo() {
// Create the Choreo object using your Temboo session
HealthAndSports healthAndSportsChoreo = new HealthAndSports(session);

// Set inputs

// Run the Choreo and store the results
HealthAndSportsResultSet healthAndSportsResults =;

// Print results



27 Jan 2015

I am interested in exploring Google as a representation of the collective thoughts of society. In this way Google acts as an entity. How can Google’s predictive text give an insight into what the greater public is thinking about? I am interested in using this context to examine what the public asks Google about fortune 500 companies.

I built a sketch in processing that runs through an array of all of the fortune 500 companies and scrapes the predictive text results for “is (company name here)…”.

Here’s my code:

Here’s the first few results of my scraping:

Reponse Content: [“is Chevron”,[“is chevron good gas”,”is chevron an american company”,”is chevron a buy”,”is chevron gas better”,”is chevron a good buy”,”is chevron a good stock to buy”,”is chevron gas the best”,”is chevron in style”,”is chevron out”,”is chevron hiring”]]

Reponse Content: [“is AFLAC”,[“is aflac worth it”,”is aflac health insurance”,”is aflac worth the cost”,”is aflac worth it 2014″,”is aflac dental worth it”,”is aflac insurance worth it”,”is aflac taxable”,”is aflac a goose or a duck”,”is aflac pre tax”,”is aflac commision only”]]

Reponse Content: [“is Applied Industrial Technologies”,[“is applied industrial technologies a good place to work”,”what is applied industrial technologies”]]

Reponse Content: [“is Charter Communications”,[“is charter communications down”,”is charter communications good”,”is charter communications available in my area”,”is charter communications owned by comcast”,”is charter communications a good place to work”,”is charter communications being sold”,”is charter communications open today”,”is charter communications going all digital”,”is charter communications a good company to work for”,”is charter communications a fortune 500″]]

I haven’t entirely settled on what I want to do with this data yet, but the results have been interesting so far. It might be insightful to pair this data with a company’s net worth or area of business. Are wealthier companies perceived of in a more positive of negative light?