project 0

by Cheng @ 10:51 pm 11 January 2010

Part A. Noll Pattern

/* @Cheng 
 @Jan 11, 2010
 Ninety Parallel Sinusoids With Linearly Increasing Period
import processing.pdf.*;
float altitude=20.; // altitude of sine wave
float gain = .0038;  // how fas the period grow 
float period ; //
float initialPeriod = .55; 
int LeftMargin = 0; // white space 
int upperMargin =5;
int x ;
float y ; 
size (400,410,PDF,"NollSine.pdf");
background (255);
for (int i =0; i<90; i++){
  //point() could induce discrete point;vertext works better 
  for (x=LeftMargin; x<degrees(width); x++){
    period = initialPeriod+gain* float(x) ; //increase period
    //notice y axis direct downwards; sine wave needs to be reversed
    y = upperMargin + altitude*(-sin(2.*PI*radians(x-LeftMargin)/period)+1.);
    vertex (x,y+i*4);

GDE Error: Unable to load profile settings

Part B. Pong Game

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