zapra – Body

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Initial sketches for hair changing, marionettes, creepy face masks.

My original idea was to make a whole set of masks, but I decided to scale it back and just focus with one. I was partially inspired by Picasso portraits, and a local American artist, Richard Merkin, who's art is hanging in my parent's dining room. I had a lot of fun playing around with the face tracker and exploring how I could use motion and facial expressions as visual triggers for different events. I did run into some problems with determining the ratios for the face when registering blinks or smiles, since the values change just by tilting the head or moving closer to the camera. From testing the mask with other people, I've realized that the ratios are mostly tuned to my own proportions. I think if I could spend more time with this, I'd find a more consistent way of registering these expressions and also explore rotation further.

Another mask idea I explored while playing around with the face tracker.

Additional sketches and some skateboarding cats.