This was inspired by Ken Goldberg & Joseph Santarromana's TeleGarden. I really liked the idea of maintaing a garden together, and the idea of community.
Users collaborate simultaneously, but plant their own seeds independent of each other. ( The user can only see their own plants). When they water their plants, they are watering everyone's plants (whoever is online). Users are anonymous, only shown by a cursor. This makes taking care of your garden somewhat chaotic. If someone is watering their plants, then it seems like water is appearing out of nowhere and watering your plants as well. Each user's watering action affects all the other users' gardens
Initially, I tried to make a virtual shared musical garden. The y position of the plants determine music note, like notes on a music sheet. (In addition, the plants would die not watered within 10 minutes). I was not able to implement the shared plants and music in time. The only thing shared is the watering action.