vingu – Interruptions



  1. the artwork is square
  2. margin around the piece
  3. composed of a grid, around 56 by 56
  4. short black lines of same length
  5. the lines overlap around 1/2 of another line
  6. lines are rotated "randomly"
  7. there is either a vertical or horizontal grain
  8. some holes/ missing lines
  9. the holes are clustered together
  10. around 60% lines

For this piece, I started with a nested for loop to create a grid of lines. In order to replicate the rotations and clustered holes/missing lines, I learned about Perlin noise. It was challenging for me to understand Perlin noise; the main thing I got was that it was a "natural ordered, harmonic succession of numbers".  (it's more smooth, therefore can create "clusters"?) I spent a lot of time on the trigonometry of the lines given the random angle. Then I tested out Perlin noise syntax to see what worked/not. I used a x-offset for random rotation, and another x-offset2 for clustered holes (different offset maps it to different parts of the noise wave). I used a random conditional statement to determine whether it was horizontal or vertical grain (they used different line equations; the sin and cos were switched).  Then I added a noiseSeed() to generate different results every time it is clicked.

I found it difficult to replicate the rotation of the lines. My lines stay close to the grain, while Molnar's lines are more varied. I tried to test different numbers, but the lines ended up too varied and lost the "grain" effect. Molnar's rotation of the lines made the clustered holes stand out more. I admire Molnar's calculated randomness.(also she created this before before perlin noise was created)