- The piece is 56 by 56 lines.
- The piece has a white border
- The piece has a series of lines
- Many of the lines touch at least one other line
- Many of the lines are almost upright
- Some areas are devoid of lines
- The lines are black
- All pieces seem to have a directionality to them (either vertical or horizontal)
- Some lines are alone in void space
- Some voids seem rectangular, while others seem circular
The process of recoding the Molnár piece was much harder than I expected. I spent more than a handful of hours staring at the piece and wondering whether the runs were of the same algorithm, and if not, what had stayed the same. I fell short in a few ways. I had more straggler lines than I wanted (some were in the actual image, though for me it was a bug). Working with multiple holes proved harder than I thought. I don't think my piece has the same directionality as Molnár's piece either. I also tried to implement rectangular holes, but it didn't end up panning out. I have especially learned to appreciate the gaps, as the more I researched and worked, the more I noticed that was far from replication.