Electronic Media Studio: Interactivity and Computation (60-212) is a practical introduction to programming and computational media production within the context of the arts. In this "intromediate" level course, students develop the skills and confidence to produce interactive artworks, discuss their work in relation to current and historic praxes of digital art, and engage new technologies critically.
- Meeting Times: Monday and Wednesday mornings, 8:30-11:20am
- Optional Work Sessions: Generally, Tuesday evenings, 7:00-11:00pm
- Location: CFA-111 (Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at CMU)
- Instructor: Prof. Golan Levin
- Teaching Assistant: Lau Hochi
- Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday afternoons at the STUDIO.
Syllabus Sections:
- Overview
- Course Calendar
- Administrata
- Civics and Attendance
- Rubrics and Grading
- Academic Integrity
- Code of Conduct
- Social Rules
- Freedom of Speech
- Dealing with Stress
- FERPA Statement