I used easing functions to smooth the creation and destruction of my binary tree. Specifically, the double polynomial sigmoid seemed to have the ease in and out that I needed, which I applied to the framerate to allow the animation a sort of breathing quality. I don’t like how simplistic it looks, and the design seems to have fallen short of what I had imagined. In addition, I eased out the easy way. However, given my time constraints I don’t feel too disappointed. I can only hope that next time, I do better.
// This is a template for creating a looping animation in p5.js. // When you press a key, this program will export a series of images // into an "output" directory located in its sketch folder. // These can then later be combined into an animated gif. // Known to work with p5.js version 0.5.3 // Prof. Golan Levin, September 2016 //=================================================== // Global variables. var nFramesInLoop = 300; var nElapsedFrames; var bRecording; var bIAmRunningThisOnMyLaptop = true; var maxDepth=8; var boxTime = 1/maxDepth; var w = 600; var ease = new p5.Ease(); //=================================================== function setup() { createCanvas(600, 600); bRecording = false; nElapsedFrames = 0; } //=================================================== function keyPressed() { if (bIAmRunningThisOnMyLaptop) { bRecording = true; nElapsedFrames = 0; } } //=================================================== function draw() { // Compute a percentage (0...1) representing where we are in the loop. var percentCompleteFraction = 0; if (bRecording) { percentCompleteFraction = float(nElapsedFrames) / float(nFramesInLoop); } else { percentCompleteFraction = float(frameCount % nFramesInLoop) / float(nFramesInLoop); } // Render the design, based on that percentage. renderMyDesign(percentCompleteFraction); // If we're recording the output, save the frame to a file. // Note that the output images may be 2x large if you have a Retina mac. // You can compile these frames into an animated GIF using a tool like: if (bRecording && bIAmRunningThisOnMyLaptop) { var frameOutputFilename = "mynickname-loop-" + nf(nElapsedFrames, 4) + ".png"; console.log("Saving output image: " + frameOutputFilename); saveCanvas(frameOutputFilename); nElapsedFrames++; if (nElapsedFrames >= nFramesInLoop) { bRecording = false; } } } //=================================================== function renderMyDesign(percent) { // This is an example of a function that renders a temporally looping design. // It takes a "percent", between 0 and 1, indicating where we are in the loop. // This example uses two different graphical techniques. // Use or delete whatever you prefer from this example. // Remember to SKETCH FIRST! //---------------------- // here, I set the background and some other graphical properties background(241,157,170); smooth(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(188, 28, 79); noFill(); var cx = width/2; var cy = 0; var p = (percent-.5)*2; var p = ease["doublePolynomialSigmoid"](p,2); var p2 = (percent)*2; var p2 = ease["doublePolynomialSigmoid"](p2,2); // var percent = percent; drawDepth(width,cx,cy,p2,0,0,boxTime); if (percent>.5) { fill(241,157,170); noStroke(); var rectH = (width-width*p); rect(0,rectH,width,width); } } function drawDepth(boxwidth,cx,cy,percent,depth,start,end) { if (depth>maxDepth) return; var liney1 = cy; var liney2= 0; var angle = 0; var curTime = (percent-start); var neww = pow(2,depth+1); var timearc = (start+end)/2; var Langle = 0; var Rangle = 0; var circ = true; var baseStroke = (maxDepth-depth+1); if (percent<start) return; else if (percent>end) { //next iteration drawDepth(boxwidth/2,cx-(w/neww)/2,cy+(w/neww),percent,depth+1,start+boxTime,boxTime+end); drawDepth(boxwidth/2,cx+(w/neww)/2,cy+(w/neww),percent,depth+1,start+boxTime,boxTime+end); liney2 = liney1+boxwidth/4 Langle =PI; Rangle =0; } else if (percent>(start+end)/2) { //arc liney2=liney1+boxwidth/4; var cstart = (start+end)/2; var cnow = percent-cstart; Langle =-PI/2-(cnow)*(PI*13/2); Rangle =-PI/2+(cnow)*(PI*13/2); } else { //lines liney2=liney1+curTime*boxwidth/2/(end-start); circ = false; Langle =PI; Rangle =PI; } // line strokeWeight(baseStroke+10); stroke(255,220,166); if (circ) { arc(cx,cy+(w/neww), (w/neww), (w/neww),Langle,Rangle); } stroke(188, 28, 79); line(cx,liney1,cx,liney2); if (circ) { strokeWeight(baseStroke-1); arc(cx,cy+(w/neww), (w/neww), (w/neww),Langle,Rangle); } strokeWeight(baseStroke); line(cx,liney1,cx,liney2); } |