conye – UnityEssentials
- Unity crashed every time I clicked on the main camera and made me want to remove myself and my wheezing computer from the world
- Something I learned from unity crashing every 3 seconds – changes to the assets will remain even if you didnt save
- Updated unity to the newest version and everything is good again
- Note to add colliders to everything so that things don’t start falling away and make me think there’s a glitch because I wasted a lot of time on that 🙁
- Note to adjust the quality settings
- Lights to mixed or baked to optimize if possible
- Don’t forget to turn on shadows or it looks weird
- Non-render non-dynamic objects to static
- I chose colors I thought were more fUn than his but then his result was much better looking so in the future I should probably decide on a ~ mood ~ and make a color scheme first before I make assets because its a huge hassle to make a lot of changes at the end.
- Cmd v to snap
- Cmd d to duplicate
- right – wasdeq to move
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14!! it moves!! so exciting
chapter 15