Looking Outwards – TextDraw

by ryun @ 8:41 pm 28 January 2010

During the TEI conference, I had chance to see many interesting works. One was the text visualization. Basically, with this system you use a pen as a drawing tool and the system shows the text as you draw with the pen. The interactive visualization was quite interesting. Users can choose the fontface, brush type, txt file you would like to see.  While you draw the shape it also detects how hard you are drawing(pressure) so it shows the drawing in a dynamical way.

I thought this visualization shows good interaction and shows the text visually with drawers’ intention and emotion. But, also at the same time, there is a questions too: Is there strong connection between the user’s drawing and the text itself? Because they can be so easily separated in this interaction. It is a difficult problem but important.

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