Project 0 gabi

by guribe @ 1:12 am 13 January 2010

Project zero part 1


GDE Error: Unable to load profile settings


import processing.pdf.*;

size (650,600,PDF,”project0.pdf”);


int Amplitude = 30;
int yDistance = 70;

for(int i=0; i<90; i++){
for(int x=0; x<600; x++){

float period = map(x, 0, 599, 60, 180);

float y1 = Amplitude * (-sin(x*2*PI/period)) + yDistance;
float y2 = Amplitude * (-sin((x+1)*2*PI/period)) + yDistance;

line(x, y1, x+1, y2);
yDistance += 5;

Project zero part 2


My version of pong tracks the players progress by changing the color of the background each time the player catches the ball with his paddle

click on the link to play:




//ball velocity x

float velX=(int)random(4,10);

//ball velocity y

float velY=(int)random(4,10);

//ball pos x

float ballPosX = random(100, 700);

//ball pos y

int ballPosY = 20;

int bgd=255;


//paddle pos x

int padPosX = 400;


void setup(){

size(800, 800);



void draw(){


ballPosY += velY;

ballPosX += velX;

fill(238, 58, 140);

ellipse(ballPosX, ballPosY, 20, 20);

fill(93, 252, 10);

rect(padPosX, 780, 80, 10);

//update position of paddle

padPosX = mouseX;

//update position of ball & check to see if ball is touching padding

if(((ballPosY) >= 760) && ((ballPosX) < (padPosX+80)) && ((ballPosX) > (padPosX)) ){ //if ball hits paddle in the middle

ballPosY = 759;

bgd -= 20;

velY = -1 * velY;

velX = velX + (int)(((padPosX+40)-ballPosX) / 10);


//check to see if ball is touching boundaries

else if(ballPosY < 0){ //if ball hits top boundary

velY = -1 * velY;


else if(ballPosX < 30 || ballPosX > 770){ //if ball hits side boundaries

velX = -1 * velX;


//check to see if ball misses paddle

else if(ballPosY > 840){ //if ball misses paddle

ballPosX = random(100,700);

ballPosY = 20;

velX = random(4,10);

velY = random(4,10);





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