Project 0
Part A
GDE Error: Unable to load profile settings
void draw() { background(#FFFFFF); int waveHeight = 30; for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { int yOffset = waveHeight + 10 + (i * 8); beginShape(); for (float x = 0; x < 360; x+=5) { float y = ((TWO_PI*4) * (radians(x)/TWO_PI)) + (PI*3/4); curveVertex(sq(x)/120, yOffset + (waveHeight * sin(y))); } endShape(); } } |
Part B
I also for the life of me cannot get the iframes to work, so the applet can be found here.
Ball myBall; Paddle myPaddle; void setup() { size(400, 400); rectMode(CENTER); ellipseMode(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(#FFFFFF); myPaddle = new Paddle(); myBall = new Ball(); noCursor(); smooth(); } void draw() { background(#000000); myBall.display(); myPaddle.display(); myBall.move(); if (out()) { myBall.reset(); } if (boundaryCollision() || paddleCollision()) { myBall.changeDir(); } } void mouseMoved() { float hOffset = myPaddle.h / 2; myPaddle.ypos = constrain(mouseY, 0 + hOffset, height - hOffset); } boolean out() { if (myBall.xpos <= 0) { return true; } return false; } boolean boundaryCollision() { if (myBall.xpos <= 0) { return false; } if (myBall.ypos <= 0 || myBall.ypos >= height) { return true; } if (myBall.xpos >= width) { return true; } return false; } boolean paddleCollision() { float pTop = myPaddle.ypos - (myPaddle.h/2); float pBot = myPaddle.ypos + (myPaddle.h/2); if (myBall.ypos <= pTop || myBall.ypos >= pBot) { return false; } float bLeft = myBall.xpos - (myBall.w/2); float pLeft = myPaddle.xpos + (myPaddle.w/2); if (bLeft (pLeft-3)) { return true; } return false; } final class Ball { float xpos = width/2; float ypos = height/2; float[] dir = {-3, 2}; int w = 20; void display() { ellipse(xpos, ypos, w, w); } void move() { xpos += dir[0]; ypos += dir[1]; } void changeDir() { if (ypos <= 0 || ypos >= height) { dir[1] *= -1; } else { dir[0] *= -1; } } void reset() { xpos = width/2; ypos = height/2; dir = new float[2]; dir[0] = -3; dir[1] = 2; } } final class Paddle { float xpos = 25; float ypos = height/2; int w = 15; int h = 60; void display() { rect(xpos, ypos, w, h); } } |
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