PDF Upload Demo

by golan @ 2:45 am 11 January 2010

Demonstration of uploading and embedding a PDF file into the course blog.

  • First, I upload my PDF to the blog with the “Upload/Insert” “Add Media” button.
  • While I’m in the Media Uploader, I copy the file URL of the PDF, which is: https://ems.andrew.cmu.edu/2010spring/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/golan_noll.pdf
  • Of course we could always just leave it at that — a link. But we could also embed the PDF directly into the page. Our site uses Google Doc Embedder, a WordPress plugin that permits embedding of PDF, PPT and TIF files. I follow the instructions on its documentation page, embedding a shortcode which looks something like this:
    [ gview width=”600″ height=”600″ file=”https://ems.andrew.cmu.edu/2010spring/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/golan_noll.pdf” ]
  • Note that the extra spaces around the brackets have to be removed for this to work correctly.
  • Note that this plugin uses the Google Doc renderer for PDF, which doesn’t render graphics as nicely as Acrobat.

And we see!:

GDE Error: Unable to load profile settings

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