
This clock is inspired by liquids, but I wanted a different feeling than filling a container. The ball passing the surface is meant to feel more like piercing a membrane than hitting a liquid. One current issue is the instantiation of the first drop. How can the first object be made before one of the object properties is called? Also, the ripple needs easing!

Hover over the bottom for time. I wish it fades in and out and has the date.

// https://p5js.org/examples/math-sine-wave.html
// https://p5js.org/examples/math-sine-wave.html
// https://p5js.org/examples/math-noise-wave.html
// https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_object_prototypes.asp
// Thanks for relfecting and clarifying geometric, 
// visual, and process patterns: Gray Crawford
// Golan Levin implanted foundational ideas and 
// perspectives into this fluid clock.
var Hr, Min, Sec, level, diam, incBar,
    backColor, dropMatrix, textTime, amp;
var Ripples = [];
function setup(){
    diam = 20;
    // Initially calls for time variables
    // This is not currently a matrix, but
    // it makes a first drop of water fall.
    dropMatrix = new DROP(); 
    // The r
    for(numDrop=0; numDrop<width; numDrop++){ Ripples[numDrop] = new RIPPLE(numDrop); } } function draw(){ // Pull time from computer & update surface updateTime(); background(255); // Drop circle every 10 Seconds if(Sec%10 == 0){ dropMatrix = new DROP(); } // Account for frame error if(dropMatrix.y >= (height-level - 5) && 
       dropMatrix.y <= (height-level + 5)){
        for(var i=0; i<Ripples.length; i++){
    for(var i=0; i<Ripples.length; i++){ Ripples[i].calculate(); beginShape(); Ripples[i].draw(); vertex(width, height); vertex(0, height); endShape(); } dropMatrix.update(); dropMatrix.draw(); // Display text of time if mouse is around it if(mouseY > height - 200){
        if(Min < 10){textTime = Hr + " " + '0' + Min} else {textTime = Hr +" " + Min} var textSpace = (width-textWidth(textTime))/2 text(textTime, textSpace, height-50); } } // Pull time from computer & update surface height function updateTime(){ Hr = hour() //% 12; Min = minute(); Sec = second(); level = Hr / 24 * height; } // Critical if DROP.alive function DROP(){ this.x = width/2; this.y = 0; this.alive = true; this.percent = 0.01; this.color = '#030254'; // Make the drop fill up to the bottom // of time text serifs, reset each minute // fill(255); // console.log(incBar); // rect(0,incBar,width,50); } // Drop is falling DROP.prototype.update = function(){ if(this.y > height - level){
        this.alive = false;
    if(this.y > height){
    this.y = dropping(this.percent);
    this.percent += 0.05;
    if(this.y > Ripples[width/2].y + diam){
        this.color = 255;
// Draw the drop!
DROP.prototype.draw = function(){
    ellipse(this.x, this.y-diam, diam, diam);
// Accelerate ball
function dropping(y){
    var s = 1.70158;
    var num = y*y*((s+1.0)*y - s);
    return num;
// position of surface bits, along xAxis
function RIPPLE(numDrop){
    this.x = numDrop;
    this.y = 0;
    this.level = height - level;
    this.amplitude = 0;
    this.period = .02;
    this.theta = this.period * numDrop;
    this.incX = (TWO_PI / this.period);
    this.hit = false;
    this.color = '#030254';
// What does the surface look like?
RIPPLE.prototype.calculate = function(){
//     this.theta+=.05 // makes surface uneven jello
    for(var i=0; i < width; i++){ this.y = -10 * cos(this.theta) * this.amplitude + this.level; this.theta+=this.incX; } // Everytime a new drop is added, diminish the wave's // amplitude and keep it constrained to above zero if(this.amplitude >= 2) {
        this.hit = false;
    // Impact the surface
    if(this.hit == true){
        amp = this.amplitude + .5;
    // Return surface back to flat
    if(this.hit == false){
        amp = this.amplitude - .02;
    //               #revolt
    this.amplitude = constrain(amp, 0, 2);
// Draw Time Fill
RIPPLE.prototype.draw = function(){
    vertex(this.x, this.y);
// Impact surface with ball
RIPPLE.prototype.passed = function(){
    this.hit = true;

Early in the project, I was interested in incorporating Analemmas into the language.
Some of the sketches below were a collaboration with Gray Crawford.