sheep – Final
Tweet: Hold a seance for your dead laptop in AR.
About the Final:
Originally, I wanted to make a game in which you attempt to communicate and guide your dead lover through the after life, for honestly no particular reason and without a real intention beside the gimmick of using cards to communication. After my laptop crashed on April 11th, it was suggested by Claire (half joking) to make a game about summoning my dead laptop. I decided to run with it and the experience became way more interesting.
I think the documentation is more interesting than the actual AR app. I like the fake glitching and UI elements when dealing with the preface to the AR, but the AR is underwhelming, and the reading seems inconsequential. In the future, I would want to find a way to make the reading feel more impactful, though I’m not sure how. Now, how it generates is an Anastrophe (a sentence where the words can be rearranged and pretty much manipulated in any order to still make some sense) that is randomly ordered based on the order you tap the cards.
In terms of difficulty, my biggest problem was juggling this project with my other project for Suzie Silver’s class, “Short Leash” that I’m still working on also in Unity. However, the ways of thinking about how to manage the instantiations and keeping control of game objects overlapped between both projects. I also used some of the sounds I made for that for the documentation for this project.
Still Image
Process Photos

Thank you to Claire Hentschker for the idea, Golan Levin for the extension and understanding, the BBC sound library for sounds in the documentation, Josh Kery for allowing me to use equipment in the beginning stages, and Nitesh Sridhar for filming the documentation.