It’s my first time working with speech input so everything was new to me. My note shows how struggling I was with coming up with ideas… The only thing I know I wanted from the beginning is speech input close to natural language. Because otherwise throwing out random words that are obviously commands seems a bit awkward in front of people who don’t know what’s going on.
I went with the last idea which Claire helped me with brainstorming. I like working with visuals so integrating speech with visuals sounds fun to me. The idea is that I want to require the user to speak as if he/she is talking to characters instead of to a computer (so please be nice 🙂
There are actually a lot more things that one can ask the elements to do than the ones shown in the demo. Input speech sentence is categorized by keywords into three types:
- selection (which element(s) do you want to interact with?)
- greet them first, like “hi” or “hey”
- can select as many as one wants
- can select by type (firefly / sun / star), color, quantifier + direction (the left most star, the 2nd and 4th sun from the top, etc), or just everyone
- instruction
- use nice words like “please” or “can you”
- move toward a certain direction – this can also be quantified. Simply moving is different from moving a little or a tiny bit, etc.
- grow and shrink
- change color
- end conversation (clear selection)
- either tell the elements they did well (“nice! Great!”)
- or say something like (“nevermind”) to start over.
Since all the interactions are recognized by keywords (yes I was inspired by the installation about natural language processing in Gates center), there can theoretically be infinitely many sentences recognized. After playing around for a while hopefully the user can forget about the hardcoded keywords and just speak naturally and still be recognized. I kinda reached that, which feels nice.
Below is my code.
var mySpeechRecognizer; //Thank Golan for his template of p5 speech! var elemList; var filtered; var cmd = ''; var a_num; var a_quantifier = 1; var a_identifier = ''; var a_direction = ''; var a_col = ''; var everyone = false; var all = false; //========================================= function setup() { createCanvas(480, 480); //background(15); noStroke(); colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); initializeMySpeechRecognizer(); filtered = new Array(); elemList = new Array(); for(var i=0; i<5; i++){ elemList.push(new Firefly()); elemList.push(new Sun()); } for(var i=0; i<10; i++){ elemList.push(new Star()); } a_num = [1]; } function draw() { background(20); for(var i=0; i<elemList.length; i++) { elemList[i].update(); elemList[i].display(); } } //========================================= function initializeMySpeechRecognizer(){ mySpeechRecognizer = new p5.SpeechRec('en-US'); // These are important settings to experiment with mySpeechRecognizer.continuous = true; // Do continuous recognition mySpeechRecognizer.interimResults = false; // Allow partial recognition (faster, less accurate) mySpeechRecognizer.onResult = parseResult; // The speech recognition callback function mySpeechRecognizer.start(); // Start the recognition engine. Requires an internet connection! } //========================================= function keyPressed(){ if (key === ' '){ initializeMySpeechRecognizer(); } } //========================================= function rm(array, element) { const index = array.indexOf(element); array.splice(index, 1); } function parseResult() { var s = mySpeechRecognizer.resultString; s = s.toLowerCase(); console.log(s); if(/nice/.test(s) || /well done/.test(s) || /good/.test(s) || /great/.test(s) || /perfect/.test(s) || /nevermind/.test(s) || /cool/.test(s)) { a_num = [1]; a_quantifier = 1; a_identifier = ''; a_direction = ''; a_col = ''; everyone = false; all = false; filtered.forEach(item=>item.attention = false); filtered = []; cmd = ''; } //else if(/can you please/.test(s)) cmd = s.substring(s.indexOf('can you please')+ 14); else if(/can you/.test(s)) cmd = s.substring(s.indexOf('can you')+ 7); else if(/please/.test(s)) cmd = s.substring(s.indexOf('please')+ 6); else if(/maybe/.test(s)) cmd = s.substring(s.indexOf('maybe')+ 5); else if(/hey/.test(s) || /hello/.test(s) || /hi/.test(s)){ if(/everyone/.test(s) || /everybody/.test(s)) everyone = true; else { var a = ' ' + s + ' '; //if(/ first /.test(a) || /most/.test(a)) a_num.push(1); if(/ second /.test(a) || / 2nd /.test(a)) {rm(a_num,1);a_num.push(2);} if(/ third /.test(a) || / 3rd /.test(a)) {rm(a_num,1);a_num.push(3);} if(/ fourth /.test(a) || / 4th /.test(a)) {rm(a_num,1);a_num.push(4);} if(/ fifth /.test(a) || / 5th /.test(a)) {rm(a_num,1);a_num.push(5);} if(/top/.test(a)) a_direction = 'top'; else if(/bottom/.test(a)) a_direction = 'bottom'; else if(/left/.test(a)) a_direction = 'left'; else if(/right/.test(a)) a_direction = 'right'; if(/ son /.test(a) || / sons /.test(a) || / song /.test(a) || / songs /.test(a) || / sun /.test(a)) a_identifier = 'sun'; else if(/ tar /.test(a) || / tars /.test(a) || / our /.test(a) || / ours /.test(a) || / star /.test(a) || / stars /.test(a)) a_identifier = 'star'; else if(/ firefly /.test(a) || / spotify /.test(a) || / fireflies /.test(a)) a_identifier = 'firefly'; else a_identifier = 'firefly'; if(/all/.test(s) || / awe /.test(s)) all = true; if(/ red /.test(s)) a_col = 'red'; else if(/ orange /.test(s)) a_col = 'orange'; else if(/ yellow /.test(s)) a_col = 'yellow'; else if(/ green /.test(s)) a_col = 'green'; else if(/ blue /.test(s)) a_col = 'blue'; else if(/ purple /.test(s)) a_col = 'purple'; if(/ two /.test(a) || / 2 /.test(a)) a_quantifier = 2; else if(/ three /.test(a) || / 3 /.test(a)) a_quantifier = 3; else if(/ four /.test(a) || / 4 /.test(a) || / for /.test(a)) a_quantifier = 4; else if(/ five /.test(a) || / 5 /.test(a)) a_quantifier = 5; } var filterType = elemList.filter(item=>item.type==a_identifier); console.log(filterType); if(everyone){ filtered = elemList; } else if(all) { filtered = filterType; } else if(a_col!=''){ filtered = filterType.filter(item=>item.col==a_col); } else { if(a_direction=='top') filterType = filterType.sort((a,b)=>a.y>b.y); else if(a_direction=='left') filterType.sort((a,b)=>a.x>b.x); else if(a_direction=='bottom') filterType.sort((a,b)=>a.y<b.y); else if(a_direction=='right') filterType.sort((a,b)=>a.x<b.x); if(a_quantifier >= 2) { for(var i=0; i<a_quantifier; i++) filtered.push(filterType[i]); } else { a_num.forEach(item=>filtered.push(filterType[item-1])); } } filtered.forEach(item=>item.attention = true); } if(cmd!=''){ //movement commands if(/move/.test(cmd) || /moving/.test(cmd) || /go/.test(cmd)){ if(/up/.test(cmd)){ if(/little/.test(cmd)||/bit/.test(cmd)){ if(/tiny/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('up', 0.25)); else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('up', 0.5)); } else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('up', 1)); } else if(/down/.test(cmd)){ if(/little/.test(cmd)||/bit/.test(cmd)){ if(/tiny/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('down', 0.25)); else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('down', 0.5)); } else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('down', 1)); } else if(/left/.test(cmd)){ if(/little/.test(cmd)||/bit/.test(cmd)){ if(/tiny/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('left', 0.25)); else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('left', 0.5)); } else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('left', 1)); } else if(/right/.test(cmd)){ if(/little/.test(cmd)||/bit/.test(cmd)){ if(/tiny/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('right', 0.25)); else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('right', 0.5)); } else filtered.forEach(item=>item.move('right', 1)); } } //grow / shrink commands else if(/big/.test(cmd) || /large/.test(cmd) || /grow/.test(cmd)) { filtered.forEach(item=>item.grow()); } else if(/small/.test(cmd) || /shrink/.test(cmd)) { filtered.forEach(item=>item.shrink()); } //change color commands else if(/turn/.test(cmd) || /change/.test(cmd)) { if(/red/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('red')); else if(/orange/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('orange')); else if(/yellow/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('yellow')); else if(/green/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('green')); else if(/blue/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('blue')); else if(/purple/.test(cmd)) filtered.forEach(item=>item.changeColor('purple')); } } } class Element{ constructor(){ var cols = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'] var hs = [0, 24, 56, 124, 210, 266]; var rand = Math.floor(random(6)) this.col = cols[rand]; this.h = hs[rand]; this.s = random(60, 80); this.b = random(75, 95); this.size = 50; this.x = random(width); this.y = random(height); this.r = 0.05; this.ch = 0; this.cs = 0; this.cb = 0; this.csize = 0; this.cx = 0; this.cy = 0; this.th = this.h; this.ts = this.s; this.tb = this.b; this.tsize = 50; this.tx = this.x; this.ty = this.y; this.asleep = false; this.attention = false; } move(dir, amt){ if(dir=='left') this.tx = this.x-80*amt; else if(dir=='right') this.tx = this.x+80*amt; else if(dir=='up') this.ty = this.y-80*amt; else if(dir=='down') this.ty = this.y+80*amt; } changeColor(col) { if(col=='red') {this.th = 0; this.col = 'red';} else if(col=='orange'){this.th = 24; this.col = 'orange';} else if(col=='yellow'){this.th = 56; this.col = 'yellow';} else if(col=='green'){this.th = 124; this.col = 'green';} else if(col=='blue'){this.th = 210; this.col = 'blue';} else if(col=='purple'){this.th = 266; this.col = 'purple';} } grow(){ if(this.type!='star')this.tsize = this.size*1.5; } shrink(){ if(this.type!='star')this.tsize = this.size*0.75; } update(){ var r = 0.05; this.ch = this.th-this.h; this.cs = this.ts-this.s; this.cb = this.tb-this.b; this.csize = this.tsize-this.size; this.cx = this.tx-this.x; this.cy = this.ty-this.y; this.h += this.ch*r; this.s += this.cs*r; this.b += this.cb*r; this.size += this.csize*r; this.x += this.cx*r; this.y += this.cy*r; } } class Firefly extends Element{ constructor(){ super(); this.size = 100; this.tsize = 100; this.type = 'firefly'; } display(){ fill(this.h, this.s, this.b, 1); for(var i=this.size; i>0; i-=2){ ellipse(this.x, this.y, i, i); } fill(this.h, this.s, this.b, 80); ellipse(this.x, this.y, 6, 6); if(this.attention){ fill(0,0,100); text('!', this.x+4, this.y); } } } class Sun extends Element{ constructor(){ super(); this.size = 50; this.tsize = 50; this.type = 'sun'; } display(){ fill(this.h, this.s, this.b); ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size); if(this.attention){ fill(0,0,100); text('!', this.x+4, this.y); } } } class Star extends Element{ constructor(){ super(); this.size = 3; this.tsize = 3; this.type = 'star'; } display(){ fill(0,0,100); ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size); if(this.attention){ fill(0,0,100); text('!', this.x+4, this.y); } } } |