farcar – Intersections
//randomly creates (x,y) and radius parameters for lines and circles function setup() { createCanvas(720, 480); background(color(249, 234, 219)); var lineX = []; var lineY = []; var lineR = []; for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { append(lineX, random(width)); append(lineY, random(height)); append(lineR, random(2*PI)); strokeWeight(1); lineByAngle(lineX[i],lineY[i],lineR[i],200); //checks if any lines intersect and draws circles on their intersection points for(var j = 0; j < i; j++) { //returns the (x,y) coordinates of two line intersections. Otherwise, returns false var hit = collideLineLine(lineX[i],lineY[i],lineX[i]+200*sin(lineR[i]),lineY[i]+200*cos(lineR[i]),lineX[j],lineY[j],lineX[j]+200*sin(lineR[j]),lineY[j]+200*cos(lineR[j]),true) if(hit.x != false) { fill(color(244, 66, 66, 50)); strokeWeight(0); ellipse(hit.x,hit.y,20); } } } } //redraws the canvas whenever clicked function draw() { if(mouseIsPressed) setup(); } //draws line based on an (x,y) origin pair in a radial system function lineByAngle(x, y, rad, len) { line(x,y,x+len*sin(rad),y+len*cos(rad)); } |