Avatar – Clock

This is my sketch for my clock about my ex boyfriend, In Bad Taste. It is a collage of my resentment that he liked video games more than me, that I wasn’t invited on this vacation to Sedona, and how frequently he called me a bad girlfriend. Alas.

Here is my inspiration for the project.



The slot machine/ clock rotates with the time of day. When the digits of the clock are the same balloons pop up letting you know that the time is now.


// Global variables. 
PImage bg;
PImage fg;
PImage armChair;
PImage slotMachine;
PImage the;
PImage time;
PImage is;
PImage now;
PImage cherry;
PImage[] numbers = new PImage[10];
int x;
int y;
void setup() {
  size (1000, 600); 
  bg = loadImage("background.png");
  fg = loadImage("foreground.png");
  armChair = loadImage("armChair.png");
  slotMachine = loadImage("slotMachine.png");
  the = loadImage("the.png");
  time = loadImage("time.png");
  is = loadImage("is.png");
  now = loadImage("now.png");
  cherry = loadImage("cherry.png");
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
     numbers[i] = loadImage(str(i) + ".png"); 
float clamp(float x, float min, float max) {
  if(x < min) return min; if(x > max) return max;
  return x;
void draw() {
  float hr = hour();
  float mn = minute();
  float sc = second();
  float ml = (float)(System.currentTimeMillis() % 60000);
  sc = ml * 0.001;
  image(bg, 0, 0, 1000, 600);
  if(hr == mn){
   float amountToRise = 600.0 + 1500.0;
   float lengthOfRise = 8.0;
   //clamp(sc, 0.0, lengthOfRise)
   float t = (clamp(sc, 0.0, lengthOfRise) / lengthOfRise);
   int offset = int(amountToRise * t);
  image(fg, 0, 0, 1000, 600);
  slots(hr, mn, sc);
  image(slotMachine, 500, 100, 220, 380);
  image(cherry, 628, 44.5, 50, 65);
  image(armChair, 550, 250, 300, 300);
void moveBalloons(int yOffset) {
  x = 100 ;
  y = 600 - yOffset;
  image(the, x + sin(yOffset * 0.012) * 20.0, y, 360, 240);
  image(time, x - 30 + sin(yOffset * 0.010) * 10.0, y + 150, 420, 280);
  image(is, x + 60 + sin(yOffset * 0.014) * 15.0, y + 340, 240, 260);
  image(now, x + sin(yOffset * 0.006) * 11.0, y + 520, 350, 250);
void slots(float hour, float minute, float second)
  PImage[] currentHr = returnTime((int)floor(hour));
  PImage[] nextHr = returnTime(((int)floor(hour) + 1 )% 24);
  translate(558, 195);
  scale(0.06, 0.09);
  float heightm = currentHr[0].height;
  float tenhourLeft = ((hour % 10.0)) / 10.0;
  image(currentHr[0], 0, - heightm * tenhourLeft);
  image(nextHr[0], 0,  heightm -heightm * tenhourLeft);
  translate(590, 196);
  scale(0.05, 0.09);
  float heighth = currentHr[1].height;
  float hourLeft = (minute) / 60.0;
  image(currentHr[1], 0,  - heighth * hourLeft);
  image(nextHr[1], 0, heighth -heighth * hourLeft);
  PImage[] currentMn = returnTime((int)floor(minute));
  PImage[] nextMn = returnTime(((int)floor(minute) + 1 )% 60);
  translate(622, 192);
  scale(0.05, 0.09);
  float tenminLeft = ((minute % 10.0))/10.0;
  float heighto = currentMn[0].height;
  image(currentMn[0], 0,  - heighto * tenminLeft);
  image(nextMn[0], 0, heighto -heighto * tenminLeft);
  translate(654, 194);
  scale(0.045, 0.09);
  float heightn = currentMn[1].height;
  float minuteLeft = (second)/ 60.0;
  image(currentMn[1], 0,  - heightn * minuteLeft);
  image(nextMn[1], 0, heightn -heightn * minuteLeft);
PImage[] returnTime(int time)
  int firstD = time % 10;
  int secondD = time / 10;
  print(secondD, firstD);
  PImage[] currentNum = {numbers[secondD], numbers[firstD]};
  return currentNum;