Man this one was a rollercoaster.
First are my sketches.
My first concept was to have a field of repeating shapes where a body can be formed by turning the shapes into a different shape. The body would move around and thus alter the field. I turned away from that idea since it didnt seem interesting. I then wanted to think of the interactions and connections between two people, so I decided to look into the movements of ballroom dancers. I’m not comfortable with dancing and I felt as if professional dancers would be able show strong synergy with their partners, so I decided to use OpenPose to grab their motions for this project.
I found this video, which I really wanted to use it since the dancing was very elegant, but OpenPose had a difficult time choosing the focus points on the woman because of her dress, so I opted for a clip from this video.
Now, here is my final project:
I spent most of my time on this project getting OpenPose to work optimally for me and working around it’s limitations. When I produced the results, I was satisfied with just the wireframes, but when I launched Premiere Pro to sync the music with the result, I thought that the wireframe layed over the source material looked more pleasing and ensured that the viewer saw the wireframes as a pair of ballroom dancers. Overall, I’m surprisingly satisfied with this result. I thought that this was going to be another difficult week but it was really pleasing.
Finally, my code.
//a lot of this was given to be me by Golan. //this turns a JSON file into the wireframe model. String[] parts = {"left_elbow","left_foot","left_hip","left_knee","left_shoulder","left_wrist", "neck","right_elbow","right_foot","right_hip","right_knee","right_shoulder","right_wrist"}; class SceneSequence { int sceneIndex = 0; int numScenes; int imageWidth, imageHeight; String poseModel; JSONObject[][] poses; public SceneSequence(JSONArray baseJSON) { JSONObject baseObj = baseJSON.getJSONObject(0); numScenes = baseObj.getInt("numScenes"); poses = new JSONObject[numScenes][]; imageWidth = baseObj.getInt("imageWidth"); imageHeight = baseObj.getInt("imageHeight"); poseModel = baseObj.getString("poseModel"); for(int sceneIndex = 0; sceneIndex < numScenes; sceneIndex++) { JSONObject scene = baseObj.getJSONObject("" + sceneIndex); int numPoses = scene.getInt("numPoses"); poses[sceneIndex] = new JSONObject[numPoses]; for(int poseIndex = 0; poseIndex < numPoses; poseIndex++) { JSONObject pose = scene.getJSONObject("" + poseIndex); poses[sceneIndex][poseIndex] = pose; } } } public void drawFrame() { JSONObject[] scene = poses[sceneIndex]; for(int i = 0; i < scene.length; i++) { JSONObject pose = scene[i]; println(poseModel); if(poseModel.equals("COCO")) drawCOCOPose(pose); else drawMPIPose(pose); } sceneIndex++; if(sceneIndex >= numScenes) sceneIndex = 0; } } void connectJoints(JSONObject pose, String joint0, String joint1) { JSONArray pt0 = pose.getJSONArray(joint0); JSONArray pt1 = pose.getJSONArray(joint1); float x0 = pt0.getFloat(0); float y0 = pt0.getFloat(1); float x1 = pt1.getFloat(0); float y1 = pt1.getFloat(1); if((x0 != 0) && (y0 != 0) && (x1 != 0) && (y1 != 0)) line(x0, y0, x1, y1); } void drawMPIPose(JSONObject pose) { connectJoints(pose, "head", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "left_shoulder"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "right_shoulder"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "left_hip"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "right_hip"); connectJoints(pose, "left_shoulder", "left_elbow"); connectJoints(pose, "left_elbow", "left_hand"); connectJoints(pose, "right_shoulder", "right_elbow"); connectJoints(pose, "right_elbow", "right_hand"); connectJoints(pose, "left_hip", "left_knee"); connectJoints(pose, "left_knee", "left_foot"); connectJoints(pose, "right_hip", "right_knee"); connectJoints(pose, "right_knee", "right_foot"); } void drawCOCOPose(JSONObject pose) { connectJoints(pose, "left_eye", "nose"); connectJoints(pose, "left_eye", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "right_eye", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "right_eye", "nose"); connectJoints(pose, "left_ear", "left_eye"); connectJoints(pose, "right_ear", "right_eye"); connectJoints(pose, "left_ear", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "right_ear", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "left_ear", "right_ear"); connectJoints(pose, "nose", "neck"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "left_shoulder"); connectJoints(pose, "left_shoulder", "left_elbow"); connectJoints(pose, "left_shoulder", "left_hip"); connectJoints(pose, "left_elbow", "left_wrist"); connectJoints(pose, "neck", "right_shoulder"); connectJoints(pose, "right_shoulder", "right_elbow"); connectJoints(pose, "right_shoulder", "right_hip"); connectJoints(pose, "right_elbow", "right_wrist"); connectJoints(pose, "right_hip", "left_hip"); connectJoints(pose, "left_hip", "left_knee"); connectJoints(pose, "left_knee", "left_foot"); connectJoints(pose, "right_hip", "right_knee"); connectJoints(pose, "right_knee", "right_foot"); } JSONArray baseJSON; SceneSequence sequence; void connectBodies() { int currentSceneIndex = sequence.sceneIndex; JSONObject[][] allScenes = sequence.poses; JSONObject[] currentScene = allScenes[currentSceneIndex]; if (currentScene.length > 1) { JSONObject pose0 = currentScene[0]; JSONObject pose1 = currentScene[1]; for (String part : parts) { JSONArray pt0 = pose0.getJSONArray(part); JSONArray pt1 = pose1.getJSONArray(part); if ((pt0 != null) && (pt1 != null) && (pt0.getFloat(0) != 0) && (pt1.getFloat(0) != 0)) { float x0 = pt0.getFloat(0); float y0 = pt0.getFloat(1); float x1 = pt1.getFloat(0); float y1 = pt1.getFloat(1); stroke(136, 0, 10); strokeWeight(2); line(x0, y0, x1, y1); } } } } void setup() { size(640, 360); stroke(255); baseJSON = loadJSONArray("outputn.json"); sequence = new SceneSequence(baseJSON); frameRate(15); } void draw() { background(255, 117, 103); stroke(255); strokeWeight (2); sequence.drawFrame(); fill(255); connectBodies(); } |
Shout out to Golan and Claire, damn, wow, woo.