I want to write about an interactive digital walk site called VOID. Its unconventional, unexpected, versatile ways of interaction and subtle, submerging experience throughout the story, make it an unique learning subject for me to revisit. And every time I do, I can still see something new, the hidden glowing letters on the bottom, the different spectrums the black ice reflects, the dazzling sound from the icy, wiry and sharp geometries surrounding the letters of the Hi-Res…
VOID is a digital walk created by Robin Gardeur(IeSHKA) and the Hi-Res team in 2005. The project is very conceptual, exploring possibilities of ideas and imaginations through sounds and visuals. The forms and shapes are impossible to describe, yet so hard to look away, and each chapter has its own theme and dynamic, but together they become a Aside from the visuals, the sound effects is so well integrated, changing according to every input of the user, every shape and concept.
On the preface it writes: “All art is created from nothing into something. Our imaginations piece together concepts which we then transform as well as manipulating mass to fill space. We use VOID to house these pieces, and we see the emptiness that surrounds them as potential for new ideas.” It is fascinating that the creators choose to make the idea of “idea” into a “out of reality” experience that is well thought out and beautifully put together.
The website was built using WebGL and Web audio technologies, threejs, howlerjs, GSAP and Coffee Collider. Although they all look quite intimidating, I determine to use my time in the course to learn more about them and open up the possibilities for my own ideas at the same time. Will be quite a journey.
Creating the VOID: https://medium.com/@HiReSLondon/creating-the-void-851d95488dc1#.9z8hn036n
VOID: http://void.hi-res.net
VOID II: http://void-ii.hi-res.net/