For my looking outward, I chose to examine the project “HYPER-REALITY” by Keiichi Matsuda. While it is not necessarily interactive in a literal way, the project presents a speculative first person experience for future augmented reality that I find myself re-watching on a regular basis because it is so rich in depth. It feels interactive because of the amount of thought it, and the amount of thought it generates in the viewer. The quality of the special effects are extremely high, and they are arguably surpassed by the richness of conceptual content. The video presents a dystopian future for wearable augmented reality and bio feedback/internet of things style devices. As a big fan of cyberpunk novels, this project reminded me of some of my favorite books. Not only because of the content, but because of the artist’s attention to narrative detail in the story. Although the content presented is absurd, the linear path from contemporary technology, to the technology presented in the video is very clear. And it is made clear without the need for any explanation that breaks the mythology of this world. I think it was made by filming in a city, and strategically overlaying generated and digitally content on real places, paying close attention to perspective lines. I would imagine that this work was inspired by cyberpunk books and films.
HYPER-REALITY from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.