ofxAnimatable: With this, you can smoothly and dynamically control all animations with ease. This allows for an elegant-iOS-feely interface that responds appropriately, and transitions smoothly between different views or states.
ofxWorkQueue: With this, it’s easy to thread activities and ensure you that anything process-intensive can be threaded and dealt with appropriately.
ofxVolumetrics: With ofxVolumetrics, openFrameworks can support volumetric renderings.
With a combination of the three, a powerful user interface for manipulating a 3D object could be possible. It could move fluidly and operate with optimal CPU usage. Many of the ofxAddons I ran across seemed to enhance current capabilities, or aid with cross-platform communication or execution. JSON-parsing, iOSTestApp switching, etc. Many of these tools could also be used to allow for the appropriate platform to display whatever tool this could become.