There are three “Looking Outwards” assignments due in this section: one is on Information Visualization, and the other is on OpenFrameworks.
- (Due 1/23) Information Visualization. Browse various computational visualizations, designs, artworks, and datasets; choose 3 projects to write about. For diversity, consider selecting a balance of subjects, such as: a dataset that you find interesting; a project you find provocative; a project you find well-crafted. To find interesting visualization projects, you are welcome to start from the following links (and also look elsewhere):
As an alternative starting point, you may also consider looking at the work of Aaron Koblin, Amanda Cox, Ben Fry & Fathom, Fernanda Viegas, Giorgia Lupi, Jen Lowe, Jer Thorp, Jonathan Harris, Kim Rees, Lev Manovich, Lisa Jevbratt, Marcos Weskamp, Martin Wattenberg, Moritz Stefaner, Nicholas Felton, Rachel Binx, Stamen Design, Santiago Ortiz, Stephan Thiel &, Stephanie Posavec, W. Brad Paley, Wes Grubbs, or CMU’s own Chris Harrison.
- (Due 1/28) openFrameworks. Discover and discuss three projects that were made in openFrameworks (OF). As a suggestion: For diversity, choose one project which seems like an important contribution to the field, and one project that seems like a quick but interesting sketch or experiment. To find interesting projects that use OF, you are welcome to start with the following (and you can also look elsewhere):
- (4000+ videos)
- (2000+ videos)
- (250+ projects)
- You may also find it helpful to check out the work of people like: Andreas Mueller, Caitlin Morris, Chris O’Shea, Daito Manabe, Diederick Huijbers, Elliot Woods, Greg Borenstein, Jessica Rosenkrantz, James George, Joel Gethin Lewis, Josh Nimoy, Karolina Sobecka, Kyle McDonald, Memo Akten, Sofy Yuditskaya, Theo Watson and Emily Gobeille, and Zachary Lieberman, among many others.
- (Due 1/30) ofxAddons. Scan the master list of addons for openFrameworks. Select three that sound interesting to you (why?); explain their possible potential for you. Brainstorm a little.