Interesting, Beautiful, Useful
Parametric Lego Brick by @HeySweet is a scalable, dimension-pickable open-source #OpenSCAD Lego model file that can support all sizes
Growing up, Legos were one of my creative outlets. I could build complex structures out of really simple pieces, and I always liked that. I remember one time picking up Lego’s younger’s child friendly Duplo block somewhere and trying to fit a Lego into. It fit perfectly, and it shocked me because they were totally different sizes. There’s now reason somebody couldn’t scale down Legos up or down 2, 4, 8 times and still get the same effect I had experienced. Additionally if 3D printed, you could have an endless supply of the exact Lego you were missing to complete your structure.
In the design process, dealing with the 1 by x case and other edge cases was clearly something I had to iterate toward in order to support. All of the dimensions I’ve grabbed are from online hobbyists, so I can’t be sure that they will snap together with other Legos unless I try. From what I can tell visually, I made a decent parametric replica of a Lego. If I wanted to continue with the project, there’s now a much wider variety of Legos that I could attempt to support.
Here’s a list of LEGO dimensions broken down.
/* Parameters */ //Non-Zero integer values for rows and cols, or number of pegs numRows = 2; numCols = 3; // 1/3 and 1 are the two standard heights, // all non-negative heights technically supported height = 1; // Multiples of 2 of each other can fit into each other brickScale = 1.0; // The higher the number, the smoother the curves curveFidelity = 50; /* End Parameters */ /* Lego Dimensions courtesy of: and */ // Brick Dimensions brickHeightDim = 9.6; // toBeScaled brickUnit = 8.0; dWidth = 0.2; brickWidth = ((brickUnit * numRows) - dWidth) * brickScale; brickDepth = ((brickUnit * numCols) - dWidth) * brickScale; brickHeight = (height * brickHeightDim) * brickScale; shellThicknessTop = 1.0 * brickScale; shellThicknessSides = 1.2 * brickScale; // UnderPeg uPegMaxRadius = 6.51 * brickScale/2; uPegMinRadius = 4.8 * brickScale/2; uPegOffset = (8 - 0.1) * brickScale; uPegHeight = (brickHeight - shellThicknessTop) * brickScale; // Pegs tempDistance = 2.4 + 1.6; // To be scaled pegOffset = (tempDistance - 0.1) * brickScale; tempRadius = 4.8 / 2.0; pegDistance = brickUnit * brickScale; pegRadius = tempRadius * brickScale; pegHeight = 1.8 * brickScale; // KnobHolders (small rectangular protrusions underneath) khWidth = 0.6 * brickScale; khDepth = 0.3 * brickScale; khOffset = shellThicknessSides + khDepth + pegRadius+ (0.1 * brickScale); // Create the Brick difference() { cube([brickWidth, brickDepth, brickHeight]); translate([shellThicknessSides, shellThicknessSides, -1]) cube([brickWidth - (shellThicknessSides * 2), brickDepth - (shellThicknessSides * 2), brickHeight - shellThicknessTop + 1]); } if (numRows > 1 && numCols > 1){ /* Add Interior */ for (row = [1:(numRows - 1)]){ for (col = [1:(numCols - 1)]){ // Cylinders translate([uPegOffset + (pegDistance * (row - 1)), uPegOffset + (pegDistance * (col-1)), 0]) difference() { cylinder(h=uPegHeight, r1=uPegMaxRadius, r2=uPegMaxRadius, $fn=curveFidelity); translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(h=uPegHeight+0.999, r1=uPegMinRadius, r2=uPegMinRadius, $fn=curveFidelity); } } } } else { assign (rad = (pegDistance - (pegRadius * 2))/2 - (0.1 * brickScale)) { if (numRows > 1){ for (row = [1:(numRows - 1)]){ translate( [uPegOffset + (pegDistance * (row - 1)), brickUnit/2, 0]) cylinder(h=uPegHeight, r1=rad, r2=rad, $fn=curveFidelity); } } else if (numCols > 1){ for (col = [1:(numCols - 1)]){ translate( [brickUnit/2, uPegOffset + (pegDistance * (col - 1)), 0]) cylinder(h=uPegHeight, r1=rad, r2=rad, $fn=curveFidelity); } } } } // KnobHolders (underneath) if (numRows > 1 && numCols > 1){ for (row = [0:(numRows - 1)]){ translate([khOffset + (pegDistance * row), shellThicknessSides, 0]) cube([khWidth, khDepth, uPegHeight]); translate([khOffset + (pegDistance * row), (numCols * brickUnit) - shellThicknessSides - khDepth - (0.2 * brickScale), 0]) cube([khWidth, khDepth, uPegHeight]); } for (col = [0:(numCols - 1)]){ translate([shellThicknessSides, khOffset + (pegDistance * col), 0]) cube([khDepth, khWidth, uPegHeight]); translate([(numRows * brickUnit) - shellThicknessSides - khDepth - (0.2 * brickScale), khOffset + (pegDistance * col), 0]) cube([khDepth, khWidth, uPegHeight]); } } // Create the Pegs for (row = [0:(numRows - 1)]){ for (col = [0:(numCols - 1)]){ translate([pegOffset + (pegDistance * row), pegOffset + (pegDistance * col), brickHeight]) cylinder(h=pegHeight, r1=pegRadius, r2=pegRadius, $fn=curveFidelity); } } |