Andrew Sweet

21 Jan 2014

Assigned Letter: D

I was assigned the letter D to animate. After some thought on the shape itself, I ultimately came up with a wipe design, do to the fact that a lower case d has a line on the right, and the capital has it on the left. I then began planning out the evolving curvature from a backwards “C” to a “o” to animate the arc of the D. I kept trying to visualize an aesthetically pleasing version of that part of the animation, and ultimately decided that simple was better in this case. Turns out that making the circle was much more difficult that I previously imagined, I had to learn a lot about bezier handles and anchoring the curves to achieve a circular object that could be wiped and not simply drawn as a solid circle.

Letter Choice: H

After the success of the D, I decided if I did it with another letter, I could potentially start a trend. Animating between capital and lowercase. Obviously x, w, v, o, u, s, z, and c are very easy options (just growing or shrinking the lettering). I ultimately decided the letter H was capable of the mirror animation to D, and began work on that.


 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('D', {
  // Enter your name
  author: 'Andrew Sweet',
  // Enter a personal website, must have http
  website: '',
  // Make your animation here
  construct: function(two, points) {
    // Reference to instance
    var anitype = this;
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    //var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points);
    var leftD = points[0].x;
    var rightD = points[3].x;
    var p0 = points[0];
    var p1 = points[1];
    var p2 = points[2];
    var p3 = points[3];
    var p4 = points[4];
    var c0 = points[1].clone();
    var midY = (p1.y + p4.y)/2.0;
    var radius = (p4.y - midY)/2.0;
    c0.x = rightD;
    c0.y = p4.y;
    var c1 = c0.clone();
    var c2 = c0.clone();
    var c3 = c0.clone();
    var midX = c0.x - radius;
    midY = c0.y - radius;
    var bezDist  = radius/2.3;
    var anchorBR = new Two.Anchor(c0.x, c0.y);
    var anchorBL = new Two.Anchor(c0.x - (2 * radius), c0.y);
    var anchorTL = new Two.Anchor(c0.x - (2 * radius), c0.y - (2 * radius));
    var anchorTR = new Two.Anchor(c0.x, c0.y - (2 * radius));
    c0 = new Two.Anchor(c0.x, c0.y, anchorTR.x, anchorTR.y + bezDist, 
                        anchorBR.x, anchorBR.y - bezDist, Two.Commands.curve);
    c1 = new Two.Anchor(c1.x, c1.y, anchorBR.x - bezDist, anchorBR.y, 
                        anchorBL.x + bezDist, anchorBL.y, Two.Commands.curve);
    c2 = new Two.Anchor(c2.x, c2.y, anchorBL.x, anchorBL.y - bezDist, 
                        anchorTL.x, anchorTL.y + bezDist, Two.Commands.curve);
    c3 = new Two.Anchor(c3.x, c3.y, anchorTL.x + bezDist, anchorTL.y, 
                        anchorTR.x - bezDist, anchorTR.y, Two.Commands.curve);
    c0.y -= radius;
    c1.x -= radius;
    c2.x -= 2 * radius;
    c2.y -= radius;
    c3.x -= radius;
    c3.y -= 2 * radius;
    var delay = 0.3;
    var circle = anitype.makePolygon([c0, c1, c2, c3, c0]);
    circle.beginning = 0;
    circle.ending = 0;
    var poly1 = anitype.makePolygon([p0, p1]);
    // Move Line
    anitype.addTween(poly1.translation, {
        to: { x:rightD + 174},
        easing: Anitype.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,
        duration: 0.3,
        start: 0.0 + delay
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    var poly2 = anitype.makePolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]).subdivide(20);
    circle = circle.subdivide(20);
    var offset = 0.03;
    // Handle Wipes
    var time = {value:0};
    anitype.addTween(time, {
      to: { value: 0.98 },
      duration: 0.3, 
      start: 0.02 + delay,
          if (this.value < 0.9){
          poly2.beginning = this.value/3.0;// * 2;
          poly2.ending = 1 - (this.value/3.0) + 0.02;
          circle.beginning = 0.5 - offset - (this.value/2);
          circle.ending = 0.5 + offset + (this.value/2);
          } else {
            poly2.beginning = 1;
            circle.beginning = 0.03;
            circle.ending = 0.97;
    // Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
    return two.makeGroup(poly1, poly2, circle);
 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('H', {
  author: 'Andrew Sweet',
  // Enter a kickback website, must have http
  website: '',
  construct: function(two, points) {
    var anitype = this;
    //Top Left
    var p0 = points[0];
    //Bottom Left
    var p1 = points[1];
    //Top Right
    var p2 = points[2];
    //Bottom Right
    var p3 = points[3];
    //Left Mid
    var p4 = points[4];
    //Right Mid
    var p5 = points[5];
    var leftLine = anitype.makePolygon([p0, p1]);
    var rightLine = anitype.makePolygon([p2, p3]);
    var midLine = anitype.makePolygon([p4, p5]);
    var c0 = p3.clone();
    var c2 = p1.clone();
    var c1 = new Two.Anchor(0, p4.y);
    var radius = (c0.x - c2.x)/2.0;
    var midX = c0.x - radius;
    midY = c0.y - radius;
    var bezDist = 0.1;//radius/2.3;
    var anchorTL = new Two.Anchor(c2.x, c1.y);
    var anchorTR = new Two.Anchor(c0.x, c1.y);
    c0 = new Two.Anchor(c0.x, c0.y, anchorTR.x -3, anchorTR.y + bezDist + 300, 
                        c0.x, c0.y, Two.Commands.curve);
    c1 = new Two.Anchor(c1.x, c1.y, anchorTR.x, anchorTR.y, 
                        anchorTL.x + bezDist, anchorTL.y, Two.Commands.curve);
    c2 = new Two.Anchor(c2.x, c2.y, c2.x, c2.y - bezDist, 
                        anchorTL.x, anchorTL.y, Two.Commands.curve);
    /*c0.command = Two.Commands.line;
    c1.command = Two.Commands.line;
    c2.command = Two.Commands.line;*/
    var curve = anitype.makePolygon([c0, c1, c2]);
    midLine = midLine.subdivide(30);
    curve = curve.subdivide(20);
    // Don't close the polygon
    curve.beginning = 0.02;
    curve.ending = 0;
    //var offset = 0.03;
    var delay = 0.3;
    // Move Line
    anitype.addTween(rightLine.translation, {
        to: { x: -355},
        easing: Anitype.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,
        duration: 0.3,
        start: delay
    // Handle Wipes
    var time = {value:0};
    anitype.addTween(time, {
      to: { value: 0.98 },
      duration: 0.3, 
      start: delay,
          midLine.ending = 1 - this.value;
          curve.ending = this.value;
    var result = two.makeGroup(leftLine, rightLine, midLine, curve);
    return result;

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