
21 Jan 2013

Discover and discuss three projects that were made in openFrameworks (OF). As a suggestion: For diversity, choose one project which seems like an important contribution to the field, and one project that seems like a quick but interesting sketch or experiment.


Making of “Nikola Tesla in Sound and Light” – Marco Tempest

This is a project with projection mapping and story telling on TED talk. They are using openFrameworks to make face recognition and control LED projections. It is a high combination of traditional art and new media art.

This project attempts to free ASCII Art from the confines of the screen and enable it to exist in physical space – with simply light and paint. They use real paint to convert the painted to ASCII. As the user paints with white paint on black background, software converts the painted into projected ASCII code in realtime thus creating a sensation as if the code is painted directly on the surface.


Public Souvenir

This is a simple but interesting public project with 3D printer and openFrameworks. When human profile is recorded by openFrameworks, the 3D printer builds a small miniature for models.